
Holy crap, I've never seen a more heated comments section regarding perceptions of character. This show is like Good Wife level mature and well oiled, it's a shame it'll be over soon.

Honestly, I love this show. It's soapy but it's high quality soapy, engrossing, and addictive in a way that makes a week a long time to wait.

These reviews should start focusing on the best parts of these episodes, not the worst.

Only Felina tops this as far as series finales, and this is network television, where it's hard to work within the constratnis of that environment to make something truly special.

I just adore this show. It's not dark for the sake of dark, hell, in some senses it's not even really that dark. The scene where Madison starts entering the fold feels disturbing at first but this is the point, that strong women don't get strong being nice and when you're broken and also fall in to that category,

I feel like I just lost Phoenix Wright and got the bad ending where everything sucks. Can I load and try again?

This was the best episode this season. The election, Rowan feels like he's moving towards actually being dead, some good happened in the world, the take-down of Doyle was a little too easy but satisfying all the same.

I don't care about anything other than the awesome case work going on here, so I just choose to love it… not what I wanted from the final hours of this show though, I thought something incredible might have been possible but the show dug itself in to this place. Best with what it's got.

Holy crap, this show is a chore to watch. Seriously, 43 minutes feels like eternity. I can't even hate watch this show anymore, I know I should just give up but I've come this far and there are arcs and characters in this show that could start working again. Does the writers room choose this path or are they begging

It's The Newsroom all over again, somehow the work of an entire cast and crew is irrelevant when compared to the failings of the writers to pander to critics complaints based on anything other than a false sense of entitlement even if the response is both true and humorous. It won't be long now until the only art left

I disagree with the assessment of Chuck. His relationship to his brother, the co-dependency, the need for validation, the passive aggressive methods Chuck clings to as a way of punishing his brother and the world in general for not providing him love and validation.

I gotta ask, I'm a boy who cries at a good show. On the face of it this show is for the most part silly but sometimes it's beautiful to me. Is it OK to cry at this show or am I just a pussy?

I don't know, I kinda think F is too kind. How about a G? Gross, right?

The problem with this show is Bobby is basically the only character I like and I don't think he's meant to be an all out anti-hero. Brody is unstoppable yet again… now I don't even want to see him hang.

If they gave A+es here, this would be a shoe in.

So often the quality of iZombie episodes is best judged by the final few scenes and this weeks were basically perfect, providing smart, well earned ebbing and flowing and only the good kind of cliffhanger, the type where we don't have to wait a week to find out what Ravi knows and the consequence of that discovery,

In the Scandal universe the NSA is one guy who walks a lot and is easy to stalk.

I also love this shows judges and Abernathy rules (I'm not an American so I don't 100% get the bill of rights, a bit Sorkin alternate reality type character but screw it, I smile)

I liked this episode, I like this season. Cary might as well not exist and I don't quite buy Jason is that clueless he'd get caught like that loose cannon and all but other than that, I feel like I'm watching a different show than the reviewer this season.

I actually really liked this episode. It was murky, I like murky.