
I'm shocked when this show makes me feel, in the good way.

That's the first thing I thought too. "Closer shave, cleaner shave, smoother all the way."

Darryl and Josh are my favourite, I don't even. This wouldn't even usually work on me, something about this show allows all the insufferable stuff on other shows work so well.

At its core I think this show could be something big. I know it avoids it at all possible opportunities but the apocalyptic components of this show could make it a serious comedy/sci-fi crossover, Red Dwarf like. I liked when Red Dwarf got serious those few times towards an awful final season. These last two episodes

This was just amazing, not that the show hasn't been dark before but this time with a great sense of urgency and purpose, and tackling bigger problems with less ambiguity, particularly in regards to mental illness.

This episode wasn't the best or anything but I kinda liked its light hearted silliness. I think last season got stuffy too often and this was happier and more refreshing than any given Colin Sweeney farce.

A whistleblower act is an exception to the First Amendment so trying to get it through as mere technicality doesn't make it a First Amendment case.

I understood when Diane is standing up for the first amendment but surely she should surely step away from the proceedings when they became about contract law…

Given sentiment to this point regarding Mellie Grant, I'm not sure this episode will make up any ground, but Mellie Grant and Susan Ross are like the only two good characters left on this show.


I like the way Alicia sleeps with other guys through Peter, she's been doing it for a while now. She has a habit of being a relationship or… crush mirror.