
The big boss was even easier than the mini-boss. Too easy. Good finale though, it's been a good year for them.

I swear, no other show could ever make me tear up while its cast is repeating "PoopFare". Richard really pulled an Uncle Jerry on poor Jared. Jared who I want to adopt.

I'm late to this party, I had to wait til the perfect moment to watch this and I'm glad I did.

This guy isn't just a Trump supporter, he's a Trump stalker. This is both hilarious and creepy as hell, begging for a job, non ironically, via Twitter in Trump's administration complete with resume. https://twitter.com/Weather…

This is the kind of show where I kind of like an A- episode when it's a table setting episode, it's damn impressive, has me salivating, all sorts of exciting things surely coming up and I actually can't predict them.

Woah, thanks for the comprehensive response. I figured that last part would be the sensible conclusion, surely would take in to account the personal circumstances and such too. What about the fact that Dinesh knew the situation and allowed the deal (plausibly we skipped a section where the shareholders absolutely OKed

What a devastatingly beautiful show.

To be honest, I saw every twist coming because this show is confident enough that it can be thrilling even when it plays out according to script, and my word was Chuck electrifying and perfect in this episode. Complex characters can come off as hackneyed when poorly executed but the scripting and acting this show has

Pretend that this show is grounded in reality, did Gavin Belson's lack of due diligence put Hooli on the hook for $21 billion of liability?

A black gay woman forces an old powerful white man to spread welfare throughout human history. Breitbart is gonna be pissed.

This is really stupid…

Maybe. Personally I think reducing Trump to a moronic joke makes him a better target than to paint him as evil. Painting him as evil is all the press did for the last few months of the campaign and last time I checked he won the election anyway. Modern culture is nihilistic in a way that can accept evil being at least

I meant specifically this whole assassination idiocy but, yes, valid general point.

Yep, it's staggering to think that there are actual writers actually writing this show, actors that speak out loud this incomprehensible mess of a TV show. The show was never fully grounded in reality but it's so far off a cliff now it's almost surreal, and not in any good way.

This show is so, so stupid. It's honestly the stupidest TV show I've ever seen, it's bewildering. A shadow government that every senior member of the intelligence, executive, other shadowy organisations know about, can easily prove… I just don't know, this show backed itself in to a corner right at the beginning of

Why is it that every political thriller these days has the good guys knowing exactly who the bad guys are and what their plans are? It destroys any semblance of suspense and obliterates suspension of disbelief, like obviously they have more than enough knowledge and concern to arrest and probably convict this Patrick

Plus I think Melissa is a good thing for this show, something being horribly wrong was missing for large parts of the previous season, at its core this show should be at least one part devastating.

I know why you people might hate this show, Carol and Tandy can be pretty insufferable. But there's something special at the heart of it and this episode had a lot of heart so C+ seems a little mean.

Even when this show isn't firing on all cylinders, Annalise is one of TVs most evocative and fascinating characters.
