It was a sensitive, arty story, and it hit a few rare and perfect notes I thought. I haven't ever really clamored for a rewatch though.
It was a sensitive, arty story, and it hit a few rare and perfect notes I thought. I haven't ever really clamored for a rewatch though.
I was afraid it would be "muppets go medieval" but I liked it.
I don't like the looks of next week's story. It's got a rhyme and everything.
The very names of those three discards that you just mentioned sent shivers down my spine. I think the reason "The Eight Doctors" works for me is it is at least something *like* an anthology, even though all the stories are written by the same guy. I think the reason it fails for so many others is it doesn't exactly…
I've taken a whack at around 40 of them, and only finished 10 or so. There's some good ones I know of that I haven't even touched so one day I'll get back to the series. I steered clear of "Placebo Effect" because Gary Russell's "Doctor Who" stories aren't my speed. However, I think he was a decent editor and a…
This story was set in a sunnier world, so the six months bit wasn't too alarming.
Are only *stupid* robots headed for "The Promised Land?"
Is dying the only real way to get there?
The trial format ended up winning me over because, when I started watching it, it was a total joke between me and a few different classmates how much Doctor Who sucked. This was junior high. While avoiding persecution, we would crack each other up pointing out things that we thought happened in every single Doctor Who…
Grotzits I think? Ha! I loved that.
I was sad Colin got launched, so it took me a little while to get to like McCoy. There were so many hot ladies all of a sudden though that I forgot quickly. I was 13. Mel, The Rani, Kangs, Ray, Ace.
I was too young to know any better how bad Joan Simm was. Growing up whenever I would have to exaggerate to tell someone something was great I would say "I will show you materials that bend but do not break."
He is a windbag, but I love him. He's such a badass in "Trial of a Time Lord," even if it is affected. Trying to get the Valeyard on his side by saying "Clever eh? The trick with the umbrella?"
"MOST ingenious."
"I always try to do the unexpected. Takes people by surprise!"
"Hear him? See how this douchebag boasts? Is…
I have a hypothesis that ToaTL is, actually, the most reasonable place to start with the Classic Who. It worked for me, at any rate. Mind you, when I began "Mysterious Planet" I was waiting for someone to actually say "Doctor Who" since no one explained anything to me; I just decided it was summer, it was Sunday night…
Here, here. "War Games" never wears out its welcome. I think I watched it twice in marathon format.
I read somewhere, perhaps in DWb, and perhaps the article was written by Paul Cornell, and perhaps it's common knowledge, that the 22nd season was ALL Eric Saward remixes of "Caves of Androzani." He took what he thought were the most compelling bits from Robert Holmes scripts—like some demented monster-madman that…
It's become one of my top fives, but I remember "Mind Warp" was a little exasperating at first. I think the draw, for me, was all the cool stuff in the first episode, before all the Yrcanos bits. I totally understand not liking "Mind Warp", if that makes sense.
I just sort of skimmed your comment since I've only started the Big Finish series of Eight (and listened to part one or chapter one of Sword of Orion while I was doing some shoveling.) It's easy for me to get a little lost during the audios, but they do have their moments and I can tell I'm going to like them more and…
You guys made me think of this…
Where art "Camp"?
Whoa. "Whitney."
My first EDA was "Escape Velocity." I hadn't read any of the New Adventures in years and I was not loving Series Six, so it felt like the most true-to-form Doctor Who I'd been exposed to in ages.