Shadow Under the Heart

Thor's coat, Junho Homme

Hey Ricky. We have different personalities (I never say anything self-deprecating, for starters; and the only masochism I exhibit is underachieving, like working as a telemarketer) but I was in the same boat as you. I managed to reinvent myself physically about four years ago. It took effort, of course, but it was a

Today's the 28th anniversary of Nicola bryant's last "Doctor Who" episode…

If all men are brothers, would you let one marry your sister?

Very flattered, and I hope you like it: it is a personal favorite.

"Herbie butter" is the name of the special effect/sentient plot point/whatever I am talking about from the story. I reread it a little and I guess it's Coleman doing performance art (pg 209 or so.)

I'll finish "Shadowland" in a week, then, and let you know what I think. I really did enjoy the style—Straub writes lyrically and is one of those writers, like Campbell, where I reread sentences and pay careful attention to what's going on. At this point in the story though, it's wall-to-wall hallucinations,

I'll confess that I've never finished a bentley Little novel ("The Walking," "The Town") though I enjoyed a few of the short stories in "The Collection." I actually do want to get a hold of "The Ignored" one of these days and just read it, since it sounds pretty intriguing.

I sort of regret my comment because "Shadowland" really did sort of start promisingly. The cover is gorgeous and strange. I'll pick it up every now and then, but I get the feeling I should have kept going with it. I pushed through Ramsey Campbell's "Obsession" which similarly felt like it sucked and was dated, yet

1- Did you see Shadowlands?
2- Yes. Very very sad.
1- My daughter's movie is much sadder. It makes Shadowlands look like Porky's.

I think it'll be good—the reveal—although I worry if maybe I've spoiled it for myself by all the comments I've read guessing who or what missy is.

Usually "Doctor Who" can conjure up a dry grin, but "You're missing some classic park action," especially during that dire situation, got a sincere LOL.

Why does King pronounce sentient "senty-int?"

I don't know. I started "Shadowland" a month ago, and it's my first Straub, but 300 pages into it and I've lost interest. It just doesn't make any sense as a novel. I also happened to give the "Ghost Story" movie a shot; it was weird and unpleasant-looking so I didn't finish it.
And "Koko" sounds like a stupid name

You know, I only half-remembered the Doctor ever getting a weird phone call and there was never any explanation for it. I guess I didn't read the whole question or understand what you were asking exactly since "Call me Gus!" flew by me twice and I caught it on the rewatch. A zillion things happened in "The big bang"

It could've been a train wreck (sorry) easily enough. The focus was kept on the bodies though. And the script wasn't constantly amazed at its anachronisms;
instead the Doctor asked how Clara was both smiling and sad.

I could totally see that working for one story. He can certainly carry his own. For me, Capaldi is *just* a little overwhelming, enough so that I pay attention to the guest cast and Clara a little more when I get the chance, since they're easier to relate to. It's a win-win because this is what "Doctor Who" is at its

Interesting. We have one of those slightly-less-than-HD widescreen TVs, and in a few scenes (where 6 characters were onscreen, and where maisie had to squeeze past Clara in the narrow hallway) it looked a little more HD-ish than usual, and yet still somehow not quite right.

One little flaw—and the whole story is liquified, like a Voord in a scratched wetsuit.

The sardonic computer voice said "Call me Gus!" a couple times.