Shadow Under the Heart

Last year I picked up my first Eighth Doctor book at random and totally loved it. I haven't listened to any of the McGann audios (some day, when I'm rich perhaps) but I'm retroactively convinced that a regular US series would've been entertaining in a mostly low-grade kind of way.

Oh yeah. Cheerios have improved my quality of life for the past three years or so. AV Club is like the spiritual successor of MST3K. The two go great together normally. I didn't quite get the gist of @impromptuj:disqus 's comment until I had some Cheerios going down and then, when the complete absurdity of it hit me,

481 comments and I have not had the time to read them all, but this story prepared me for Graham Greene:

Eating Cheerios while reading the comments. This one almost made me choke from laughing.

I think he was just trying to show respect to Holmes, who happened to be acting his weirdest at that time. Right? "Enter!" was like something they would have put in the pilot to show what an oddball the character is; I don't think we've seen him do anything like that for a while now. I'm a regular viewer and he just

She said something like "I'm so sorry we had to meet like this" which I will admit fooled me. The show's pretty good at making little feints like that, and as long as it's as consistently entertaining as it's been, I don't mind how often it makes me feel a little gullible. Character motives are almost never

I have initial impressions of Elementary stories as they unfold, and keep getting proven wrong as dialogue dismisses suspicion and the plot unfolds. (This is really the only show in the mystery genre I've ever liked, so I imagine that's what we are supposed to do while watching.)

Interestingly, in two instances in this story, Sherlock had to rely on his sense of taste to make deductions. Bell's snub maybe got him down, but his other senses sure are compensating.

Uh hello? What about "Starhunter"?

Ah. I don't know if you've seen the whole thing, but I happened to luck into the Trial starting with "Mysterious Planet" and that's how I got my real start with the series. It fell into a strange "habitable zone" which would've been unlikely if I'd started watching a week earlier and caught "Revelation" (proving to me

It was indeed a fortuitous turn of events for the doctor to find a man who just kept repeating "I must kill…the Queen."

700! Let this be mine!

Geeky like, "Nnnnnng…glaben…olive blazer? Nnnnng…"?

Hartnell played King Lear…and there were many actors before him to do so…and there have been many since. In a transcendent moment he understood.

For some reason I read that as "The Passion of the Christ." I thought you were some hayseed talking about how "brave" it was to show that movie at the height of its popularity.

Tell me, and be honest; were they just being total posers
"understanding" it as a Crips versus Bloods type situation?

No joke for V, huh?
I guess V was the joke.

I disagree with you Dwebble, since I got hooked on the series by "Trial of a Time Lord." To my 13-year-old mind the reveal of the Valeyard was awesome, and it added mystery to the series and invited further speculation into the future of the Doctor and, since I was a noob, the idea of regeneration. (I knew they

I had the same coat as that guy. I think they're called drivers jackets?
I'm not too modest to admit that I looked better in it than Shaggy Chinbutt there.

I know I'm late to the party and everything, but I felt like chiming in to say:
I wish this episode were called "The Mystery of Strawdog Jed."