
Also one of the few poems I know by heart, mostly because I listened to my dad's old vinyl of HMS Donovan approximately 5 million times as a kid: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I actually laughed out loud when Virgil shot himself in the head. I've come out from the other side of the grimness into a land of pure hilarity. Also hilarious: "Kevin, you are having a serious psychotic break and you need intensive treatment and possibly institutionalization." "Weellll, that sounds PLAUSIBLE -

Fuck. I just realized I'm going to miss a lot of movies after I die. As soon as I die all popular entertainment should immediately cease.

While it was obviously one of the series 'hooks' Ennis clearly wasn't that interested in exploring the Voice much. See also: how often Tommy uses his superpowers in Hitman (i.e. hardly ever).

True - Sim's technical skill is unimpeachable, and certainly his art increased in quality throughout the run. Not to mention his lettering, which is in the running for best ever, and his ear for dialogue - some of the conversations in Guys are hilarious to read out loud, sounding how how he's spelling things

God, I know. Sometimes I think about what it would be like if Sim had kept up the quality of High Society/Church and State/Jaka's Story all the way through the run and it makes me want to cry.

Yep. Rachel's quite right. She's a straight up monster.

Yeah, Skinner as the Colonel is perfect. But for some reason they made Mr. Nezu Superintendent Chalmers, when it so obviously should be Mr. Burns!

I also thought the Nightcomers went down a little easily, especially given how overwhelming they were for most of the season. On reflection, though, I think by destroying the doll/rejecting Lucifer, Vanessa essentially severs their link with him, stripping them of most of their powers (Poole starts aging, and

My friends and I used to have a lot of deeply stupid conversations about how you'd arrange the rankings of a chart with both Better than Ezra and Less than Jake on it.

Israel's Son makes a, let's say, "unexpected" appearance in the 1995 English dub the of Street Fighter 2 movie.

The Culture was my first thought too, but I think Banks himself made the point that by our standards, life in the Culture for the average human-equivalent would be almost indescribably boring, since Nothing. Ever. Happens. The only news would be a combination of local events and US Weekly. Which is why everyone is

Just taking the opportunity to remind everyone that the lovely new collected edition of the Frank Miller/Walter Simonson Robocop vs. Terminator miniseries is available at your local comic book store and is probably the apex of both franchises.

Damnit, I skip SPX one year and I miss comics getting married!

It took me a while to get around to actually reading it, but it's surprisingly interesting. Dismissing it as just porn is doing it a disservice. I wish I could think of an example of what I mean, but it's been awhile. I should pull it off the shelf again at some point.

Yeah, you're right about the nominating process being insane. I tried reading Parasite (after not being especially impressed with Feed) and it was, no joke, one of the worst books I've ever seen professional published. I couldn't even finish it. It basically made me hate reading. And it was up for one of the big

I agree, I hated her breakdown. Maybe in episode 1 something like that would have flown, but at this point the narrative has no time for realistic human emotions (I'm being serious here). The audience knows which way this is headed, even if she doesn't, and having her try to stop the vampire murder train at this late

I'm pretty sure they come out and say Thanos gave Loki the staff. So maybe it was a calculated risk, to use one Gem to get another? OK that doesn't make a huge amount of sense. But Loki's staff does feature extremely prominently in Avengers, they may as well take advantage of that.

By my count: the Tesseract is the Space Gem (or "Stone"), the Aether is the Reality Gem, presumably the Mind Gem was in Loki's staff and we can probably assume the Power Gem is the one in Guardians. Leaving Time and Soul. I think Soul is a shoe-in for the Doctor Strange movie.

Odd that I have to watch a trailer for Hercules before I can watch a trailer for Horns. Should I have just tried to watch a trailer for Hercules? Would that have gotten me to Horns faster?