
It's interesting, but it's not a million miles away from every other Young Wizards book you've ever read in your life. There are certainly some adult themes but I'm not sure that elevates it above the Harry Potters of the world (not to imply that I'm a Potter fanboy, or anything - never did finish that series).

And then 20 years later they were all eaten by ice monsters because they had no dragons to save them. Thanks Rhaegar, you dick.

In all seriousness, it's possible part of the reason he's writing slowly is that he is SICK UNTO DEATH of these fucking books and would love to write something else.

Bio-Booster Armor Guyver got me into manga when I was a kid - this was the 90s, when Viz released like two chapters at a time in American comic book-sized issues (you kids today don't know how good you have it, etc) - only to unceremoniously cancel the whole damn thing after a couple of years, right on a cliffhanger.

For my money, Oscar's groan of pure horror as Michael goes in is the single funniest moment of the entire series.

I love that Jessa always seems to be at least 70% hair.

Shosh twisting the knife into Hannah with "Well, Ray's in a play and Marnie is about to be a pop star…" was beautiful.

Man, I don't know what to do. The character that took me through Dark
Souls was Intelligence based, because I figured zapping guys at long
range was the safest bet. It worked pretty damn well, especially since I
was able to get Intelligence based weapons (Moonlight Butterfly
Horn/Moonlight Greatsword/Enchanted

Yeah, it's good to remember that the only people that could be remotely considered "heroes" by any rational standard are the Brotherhood Without Banners, and at this point who even knows with them.

I loved the finale, but sadly that bit took me out of the show because it so closely echoed one of my favorite parts of Alan Moore's Top Ten. Bleeding Cool breaks it down: http://www.bleedingcool.com…

While watching Toy Story 2, I honestly thought this was the direction the movie was going - when the toys made it back to Andy's house, his mom would recognize Jesse and there would be a nice reunion.

Starlord originally had a sentient ship too, I think.

Starlord originally had a sentient ship too, I think.

So, what did you guys do with YOUR English degrees?

Star Wars, of course. I was born in 1980, so I had the typical geeky child's love of it, but during the 90s resurgence (post Timothy Zahn novels), I bought into it in a big way. I read the novels, collected the comic books, played the video games, bought the action figures and spent way too much money on that

Yeah, that's the best part. For the London games, we got a bunch of people together, drank copious amounts of wine, watched that crazy Danny Boyle shit with our jaws on the floor and then spent three hours watching the athletes walk in while we rated their attractiveness. Tomorrow night will be good.

Let's hope Matt made the right decision, and is now getting the respect he deserves.

I played extensively a while back. My hour count on Steam is embarrassingly high, although it's inflated by the many, many times I left my guy sitting at a bonfire while I walked the hell the away from the computer for a few hours.

Nooooooope. Nope nope nope.

I haven't bought floppies in years, but I also think Omnibuses are too unwieldy. I have a few (X-Statix, Simonson Thor, New X-Men), and frankly I never get around to reading them, because just holding the damn things is a trial. My preferred format at this point is hardcovers, preferably with at least two soft cover