
Yeah, the weirder this gets, the happier I'm going to be. I actually doubt they're going to go full-on supernatural, but I'm hoping for increasing hints of wrongness around the edges.

I fully agree that even knowing there is a twist spoils things. I had no idea there was a twist in The Sixth Sense when I first saw it (in the theater! So many years ago now), and I was floored. But for some stupid reason, I read the NY Times review of Fight Club before going to see it, and they say something about

I just got back from the Dominican Republic, where I was pickpocketed, losing my wallet, driver's license, credit card, cash, etc. I think this is at least as bad as being impregnated with a demon baby, and I demand someone make a movie about my struggle.

It was impossible to find until very recently, and even now it's tough to get for less than the MSRP of NINETY DOLLARS. I definitely want it, but maybe when it drops in price a bit.

The Doctor turning on Adam with such self-righteous vitriol always bugged me. Adam doesn't owe anything to the future. It's not his job to preserve this particular timeline (which isn't exactly great shakes to begin with). I could even argue that if anything, his moral responsibility is to HIS time and society, and

It's nonsensical, but one of the great nonsensical titles of all time. You know exactly what you're in for. "The Edge of Tomorrow" - bah! Could be about anything!

Sim's downward spiral is just so goddamn tragic it kills me. Just imagine if the entire run of Cerebus was as good as High Society and Church & State.

Neonomicon was tough to get through, I agree, but the final twist/scene is pretty cool.

Also! Is this like the general place to talk about gaming? Because I bought Spelunky during the Steam thanksgiving sale, and holy jesus christ is that game a mix of frustrating and addictive.

I got quoted! I'm so happy! I mean, it's Friday night and I'm drunk, so I'd probably be happy regardless, but I'm MEASURABLY happier for having seen this!

Yeah, the way bluffing is an integral part of the mechanics is one of
the big reasons I love the game. Properly done it can be absolutely
nerve wracking for both sides (and thus exciting!) in a way few other
games can match.

Play Android: Netrunner instead! It's a LCG (Living Card Game), instead of a Collectable Card Game, which means regular releases of expansion packs, each with fixed content. The model is every month or so they release a new $15 'Data Pack' which has 60 cards in it - 3 copies each of 20 new cards. They try to keep

I've seen them live a few times in the last couple years too! But
yeah…I could instantly think of Destination Moon when I saw the
article, but I'm hard pressed to bring to mind more recent songs. It's
probably down to the fact that nowadays I don't listen to albums 100
times after I get them. Ahh those halcyon

For someone comfortable naming TMBG as their favorite band, I'm pretty ignorant of their post-Factory Showroom work. I have the albums, just haven't given them the time they probably need. Does anyone want to mention some stand outs from the later stuff?

There are only two "eras." Everything that happened before I was born, and everything that happened after.

In his review over on Comics Alliance, Andrew Wheeler said that killing off the entire cast would only make him more optimistic about the show's future. I completely agree with him.

Just looking at the picture at the top of the review is getting me annoyed. If there is a midseason twist where those two die in a fire, I may start watching the show again.

Is the character of Peter even in the movie? It's odd, I never see him brought up much in criticism of the novel, but he's essential to Ender's psychology. Slight spoilers if you haven't read the book: Peter is Ender's older brother, just as smart but also an out and out sociopathic sadist. Ender spends his early

I know, I know; I just love it so. "Poor little buttercup, poor little buttercup…."

Not even a mention of the entire score of the HMS Pinafore?