
It's not Batman!

I can't remember where I read it, but the quote was something to the effect of Medieval History starts to make sense when you remember that everyone was a teenager and was drunk.

When I saw the headline, I was really hoping it would be Jeronimus Corneliszoon.  But I guess he was Dutch.

Not a Neil Gaiman fan, then.

Where's my Hostile Waters sequel?  That was a good game, damnit!

I'm kind of struggling here.  I've watched this stupid goddamn show from the beginning, and now that it's the home stretch I'm having trouble summoning the will to finish it.  I watched the first two episodes of the season, I think, and the rest are just piling up into an ever-more insurmountable mountain.  These

C'mon, Ennis has his flaws, but he's 10 times better than Miller.  Preacher doesn't hold up as well as I wish it did, although Hitman does better.  PunisherMAX is still incredible and his War Stories/Battlefields books are great.

Or they don't pull a neat trick and just win for no real good reason.  Also there needs to be some rape in there.

Also no one at Marvel ever bothered to sit down and figure out what exactly the Superhero Registration Act DID, so different books had completely different interpretations of the law.  Just plenty of dumb to go around.

Anyone going to SPX in Maryland next month?

Yes.  The funniest part of Jackass to me is when the fear of the cast is visible.  Maybe that makes me a bad person, but I find their terror endlessly hilarious (especially when reaction of everyone else is contrasted with Knoxville's insane enthusiasm).  The 'Knoxville in disguise' parts I skip over.

Did Brody turn out to be a good guy or a bad guy?  I can't remember.

@avclub-7b854e1c9778aa8ff839837766cf71d3:disqus Yeah, I love that scene in the fight club episode - they all look at each other like "We are gonna die."

Honestly, fuck this movie.  Is this what the future holds for us?  Corporations making movie length commercials with famous actors so the audience pays for the privilege of soaking up their fucking self-congratulatory propaganda?  This is the shit that makes me into a communist.

There's usually a little good natured sexual assault on the way to the bridal chamber.  That's probably what Joffrey was really looking forward to.

Think about how pissed the entire internet is today.  Now think about how pissed you would be if you actually lived in The North.  Throw in the fact that you probably had a relative in Robb's army that was also stabbed in the back that night, and you realize that Westeros is unlikely to be giving peace a chance any

Let's not forget Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube either.  Yeah yeah, I know they ported it to PS2 (and eventually everything else).  STILL.

SHIT!  Vic is Vaas from Far Cry 3!

Yeah, I honestly thought it less that water hurts him (which would be absurd) and more than he was as vulnerable to drowning as a normal person.  So that's logically going to be the easiest way to kill someone like him.

Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate??