
I love Parks, I love Archer, I love(d) Community, but I laugh more during Justified than just about any other show.

A little from column A, a little from column B.

No, I agree.  I really liked The Inhumans Take Over the Kree Empire storyline, I thought it was a cool direction to take the Inhumans in after years of having them do nothing other than sit around on the moon.  And it's always fun seeing Black Bolt be a total badass.  But I knew it was inevitable that as soon as

Ah.  So the Nova running around now is not Rich Rider.

So if someone hasn't really read much Marvel since the DnA Cosmic stuff….who's alive and who's dead?  Thanos/Nova/Starlord are no longer trapped in a dying universe, I gather, but how did they escape?  Is Drax still dead?  Did Vulcan and Black Bolt ever reappear?  Are the Inhumans still ruling the Kree?  Is Cosmo

I don't think Raylan has any trouble imagining someone wanting to murder Arlo. And has probably been waiting for it to happen his entire of his life.

I don't know…I feel like long-time Savage Love readers/average internet users are so inured to freaky shit at this point that reading about weird fetishes isn't even the least bit shocking.  And as a measure of that, as soon as I typed 'weird' I thought, well, that's sort of an arbitrary value judgement, isn't it?  If

I'm not necessarily talking about the last issue ending (for Y anyway); more the gradual down-slope compared to the early series.  It felt like he lost interest before the end.  Admittedly, a death towards the end of Y really pissed me off.

Yeah, I can't imagine why he keeps a low profile.

See, I want to trust you guys (and the internet at large) on Saga.  But does no one remember how awesome Y the Last Man and Ex Machine were in the beginning?  And how badly they ended?

He's a skinny dude!  Man, when he was fighting Randall, it was especially clear he was outclassed physically.

Major consequences like the goddamn Pope resigning?

I watched this movie over weekend, and then this morning, the fricking Pope resigns!  A decision I find much less surprising today than I would have last week!

I watched this movie over weekend, and then this morning, the fricking Pope resigns!  A decision I find much less surprising today than I would have last week!

Yeah, I was so enjoying the sheer balls to the wall insanity of the LRH segments (him fending off the demon they summoned with throwing knives is my favorite bit.  If only Dungeons & Dragons had been around back then to occupy those boys, a lot of people could have been saved a lot of trouble.  On a side note, I

Yeah, Bottle Rocket/Rushmore/Royal Tenebaums (the Owen Wilson co-written movies) are still far and away my favorite Anderson films (and for the latter two, objectively the best of them, I'd argue).  I'm not privy to their writing process, obviously, but I feel like Wilson must have been the one bringing in a certain

"No cupholder.  No backseat.  Just a shiny dick with two chairs in it."

As opposed to guilty children.  Because fuck those kids.

Jesus!  Does he solve mysteries in his spare time?  Because that's a show I want to watch!

Which he can actually survive, for those of you that had better things to do in the early 90s than read shitty Marvel comics!  That woul dbe good.  It also occurred to me that someone else could get the amulet and pretend to be him, hence the covers.