
It's been a long time, but I remember Burger King Honey sauce, that you'd get with the chicken tenders (I'm not even sure if it was "Honey Mustard"), as almost entirely honey-like in texture and taste. I mean, I'm sure it was just corn syrup, but goddamn I remember it as ambrosia. Is that still a thing?

Wait…are you talking about this trailer (https://www.youtube.com/wat… Because I think that's one of the best trailers I've ever seen. The way they sync the music to the shot of him running across the tables is awesome.

I loved this show. I have fond memories of watching it with my roommates, drinking heavily, and laughing hysterically. Good times.

This is so generic a response I'm assuming it's a joke.

Given that our current reality is vastly more terrifying than Homeland has ever been, I'm finding it a little hard to be all that concerned with what's going on here (I suspect that's going to be a problem for House of Cards as well. Frank Underwood sounds like a pretty good deal right now).

Yeah, I liked it the first few times I played it, but the luster wore off fairly quickly. My friends continued to love it, though, and having to break out my set at the end of the night became increasingly annoying. I played it for the first time in a while over the weekend and it was actively painful. If you're

Yeah, I support pranks that just quietly make the world weirder for everyone. "Did I just see a clown in the woods? Nah…couldn't be…"

Maybe I'm totally mis-remembering, but I thought the baster thing DIDN'T work, she was just knocked up by one of the random guys she was banging (the UPS guy?).

I suspect Kyle's mother's intense resistance probably contributed to her gong as nuts as she did. It's possible Sidney's host, for whatever reason, didn't resist at all.

Man, when All Along the Watchtower first kicked in, I about lost my mind with excitement. All of a sudden things were WEIRD, way weirder than we could have ever imagined. Where could this possibly be going?

I gotta be honest with you - my catharsis is insufficient.

I have the Blu-ray of Southland Tales, and I show it to everyone I can get to sit down in my living room.

The problem with that is the suitors start hooking up with each other. That used to happen on Next all the time.

I still think it's a concept with a lot of potential, although I agree it's ill-suited for a film. All the super-powered people in the world grew up together! They'd probably all be like those people who never quite got over high school, and their interpersonal relationships and personal histories would be

Come, let us dance like children of the night!

Yes. A thousand times yes.

I take it back. Last night I thought it was wishful thinking, but having slept on it, I agree with the people upthread - I'm 99% convinced it's all a ruse. It's the only thing that makes sense from both in-universe and narrative perspectives.

I'm way more pissed about Shaggydog than I ever was about Jon Snow.

Crazy teenage hormones might actually save the day for once!