
I went to the Met for this in the spring.  Buddy of mine talked me into it.  4 operas in 8 days.  Train into the city from NJ each time.  And I'm not even an opera guy.

I went to the Met for this in the spring.  Buddy of mine talked me into it.  4 operas in 8 days.  Train into the city from NJ each time.  And I'm not even an opera guy.

How quickly we forget Audiogalaxy!  Ahh, 1998.  To be a Freshman again.

How quickly we forget Audiogalaxy!  Ahh, 1998.  To be a Freshman again.

Girl please.

Girl please.

For some reason I thought that the female sergeant (Sgt. Julia Richmond, played by Michelle Lukes) was the only remaining character from the original Richard Armitage season, but Wikipedia is not supporting me here (other than giving me the names).  IS there anyone left from that first season?

For some reason I thought that the female sergeant (Sgt. Julia Richmond, played by Michelle Lukes) was the only remaining character from the original Richard Armitage season, but Wikipedia is not supporting me here (other than giving me the names).  IS there anyone left from that first season?

I like when the heroes get captured early on.  Once they escape, that plot contrivance is out of the way and the explosions can commence in earnest.

I like when the heroes get captured early on.  Once they escape, that plot contrivance is out of the way and the explosions can commence in earnest.

The Fucker, he comin'! He comin' to YOUR town!

The Fucker, he comin'! He comin' to YOUR town!

Yeah.  I'm as nerdy as the next white suburban male, probably more so, but the idea of going to this gives me the screaming terrors.  All that to stand in lines all day?  I'll take everyone's word that that's 'part of the fun' but it isn't exactly calling my name.  I'll stick with SPX, I can handle that.

Yeah.  I'm as nerdy as the next white suburban male, probably more so, but the idea of going to this gives me the screaming terrors.  All that to stand in lines all day?  I'll take everyone's word that that's 'part of the fun' but it isn't exactly calling my name.  I'll stick with SPX, I can handle that.

I just wanted to say to you, by way of, um, introductory remarks, that I'm EXTREMELY miffed about today's events, and, uh, in my quest to try and make you understand the LEVEL of my, um…..unhappiness, I'm likely to use an awful lot of what we would call "violent sexual imagery," and I just wanted to check that, ah,

I just wanted to say to you, by way of, um, introductory remarks, that I'm EXTREMELY miffed about today's events, and, uh, in my quest to try and make you understand the LEVEL of my, um…..unhappiness, I'm likely to use an awful lot of what we would call "violent sexual imagery," and I just wanted to check that, ah,

Damn, I'm with Noel on the food thing.  That drives me nuts.  Especially when people are talking in a restaurant in front of full, untouched plates of food.  Look:  if you go to a restaurant and order food, it's because you are HUNGRY.  When it arrives, you immediately cease all conversation to EAT THAT SHIT.  You

Damn, I'm with Noel on the food thing.  That drives me nuts.  Especially when people are talking in a restaurant in front of full, untouched plates of food.  Look:  if you go to a restaurant and order food, it's because you are HUNGRY.  When it arrives, you immediately cease all conversation to EAT THAT SHIT.  You