
You know, it's hurtful that you automatically assume that we'll get mad about every little th-WHAT IS THAT, A VEST?

You know, it's hurtful that you automatically assume that we'll get mad about every little th-WHAT IS THAT, A VEST?

I must have missed the last argument, but now I'm thinking about it.  I was born in 1980, and Nintendo was just about the greatest thing in the world for a few years.  But when fuzzy screenshots of SNES games started showing up in Nintendo Power, it looked like a window into another world.  I suspect if I dug up those

I must have missed the last argument, but now I'm thinking about it.  I was born in 1980, and Nintendo was just about the greatest thing in the world for a few years.  But when fuzzy screenshots of SNES games started showing up in Nintendo Power, it looked like a window into another world.  I suspect if I dug up those

AWESOME.  This is one of my favorite comedies ever.  I can watch these episodes over and over again.  Veep, sadly, hasn't measured up.

AWESOME.  This is one of my favorite comedies ever.  I can watch these episodes over and over again.  Veep, sadly, hasn't measured up.

I haven't seen this movie or read the book, but there was an article in the NY Times recently about children who exhibit psychopathic traits.  Fairly chilling:  

I haven't seen this movie or read the book, but there was an article in the NY Times recently about children who exhibit psychopathic traits.  Fairly chilling:  

Agreed, that's almost certainly who Jaime means. The Hound is good, but he's not particularly well known or well regarded - he's not actually a knight for one thing, and I don't think he fights in tournaments at all, which is really how these guys judge each other (it's been peace for a long time, remember).

Agreed, that's almost certainly who Jaime means. The Hound is good, but he's not particularly well known or well regarded - he's not actually a knight for one thing, and I don't think he fights in tournaments at all, which is really how these guys judge each other (it's been peace for a long time, remember).

In all seriousness, what's the short, pithy, easy to understand take-away for Hollywood, given the enormous success of Avengers and the humiliating failure of Battleship?  Both are special effects extravaganzas.  Both are based on properties ostensibly aimed at children.  Sure, one is great and the other is terrible,

In all seriousness, what's the short, pithy, easy to understand take-away for Hollywood, given the enormous success of Avengers and the humiliating failure of Battleship?  Both are special effects extravaganzas.  Both are based on properties ostensibly aimed at children.  Sure, one is great and the other is terrible,

Another TCNJ alum!  Internet high five!

Another TCNJ alum!  Internet high five!

It's been years since I read The Kindly Ones, but we pretty much know for a fact that Dream was committing a (necessarily, perhaps) elaborate form of suicide.  In that light, who else benefits from Loki and Puck's activities?  Sure, it seems like they're framing Dream for the kidnapping in order to activate Lyta, but

If only Warren Ellis has stayed so involved in Planetary from start to finish…

SPOILERS for Sandman:

Nah.  Last shot of the movie is him starting to move his 'paralyzed' foot.

Calling it:  Bruce gets crippled and JGL's character (in the absence of Dick Grayson) takes over as Batman.

Far as I can see, there's not reason not to conflate Edmund and the Blackfish into one character (i.e. a much more badass Edmund).  You still need that character, I think, but probably not until next season.