
My favorite is still:  "Ned, have you considered any of the other major religions?  They're all pretty much the same."

The books make it clear that Tywin Lannister, despite being an ABSOLUTE motherfucker, would actually be a pretty effective king.  And that one of the only reasons things held together as long as they did is down to everyone in the world being scared shitless of him.

I love Tim Powers.  Anubis Gates and On Stranger Tides are two of my all time favorites.  Feeling like I should read The Stress of Her Regard again before this, though - it must have been 15 years ago I read it (in the process getting a decent who's who of Romantic poets prior to college).

I'm willing to suspend my disbelief for everything in this damn film except Sean Penn's survival.  I'll totally buy even the airbag and even the 21 minute time window, but for some reason I can't buy them faking Douglas's gun.  Seemed like a wrong note.  There's even the bit where the girl says "Wait…that's the wrong

The fact that you even know that Hawkeye and Green Arrow are roughly equivalent means you're fine.

Yeah, I have to assume Art is cutting Raylan some slack because of the injury, but I don't think those fences are mended yet.

Cranston is actually an awesome voice actor too.  As Isamu in Macross Plus he makes the dub actually worth listening too.

Oh!  Oh!  Do they have the obligatory scene where the otherwise perfectly normal and intelligent straight guy thinks one of the cross dressers is a real woman and becomes totally obsessed?

Soooooo nothing better to do tonight, so I'm running through some Season 2 on HBO Go.  While playing Terreria, I admit.

I don't EXACTLY recall, but I seem to remember Drogo wasn't overly concerned with his wound and was going to handle it, except that Daenerys freaked out (WOMEN) and insisted he use her pet witch, who, of course, poisoned the shit out of him.  Not without cause, of course, but there you go.

I dropped this show partway through Season 2 (Ray's kid's poetry reading broke me, if I recall correctly), and I haven't really been reading this write-ups, but I have noticed some consistently high grades.  So:  worth going back for?

Man, I never watched all that many Unsolved Mysteries (probably for the best), but one segment I saw haunts me to this day:

So after reading this review and some positive notices in a few other places, I went back and tore through the original British season and the entire second season this week.

It's worth a TRY, goddamnit!

Look at those handsome boys.

Man, that was pretty awesome.  Although it seems odd that there would be inconsistencies with Worf's original universe.  But maybe he originally shifted before he got to the party.

What!  Thousands of Enterprises!  This shit is crazy!

Watching it now!  I remember it frighteningly clearly.  Although I don't remember Troi being this hot.  Ok, I remember "Geordi's dead."  That must have been the last thing I saw!  It's all uncharted territory from here!

I started watching the Worf travelling through other dimensions episode, probably when it first aired ('93, apparently!).  It was blowing my young mind (I liked Worf).  However, part-way through, we left Grandma's (the only place I got to watch TV), and I never saw the end.  And my nerdery never developed in a Trek

The Anubis Gates is one of the best time travel stories I've ever read.  It all slots into place so beautifully.