
I suspect the phrase "Six seasons and a movie!" will be The Cape's most lasting contribution to pop-culture, ironically enough.

First few episodes of Season 3 is exactly where I gave up (they did them in the fall and brought it back months later in the spring, as I recall).  Judging by the conversations I've read about the show since, I don't regret this decision.

You need at have at LEAST 1500 points worth of Eldar somewhere in your house.  All this "I like Community" shit doesn't cut it.

It's sort of amazing that I loathed Silas utterly in the first few seasons, and at this point he's the only character I don't want to see die in a fire.  I hope he destroys Nancy.

Wasn't it like $100 at the show?

Good.  Saves me having to watch anymore goddamn shows.  Every cancellation of a good show is a victory, people.

My favorite part was ALL OF IT.

You guys are full of shit. I had pizza in Rome and it was sliced.

Nancy is the worst
Is anyone, anyone at all, rooting for Nancy to get her kid back from her sister? Or indeed rooting for Nancy in any capacity?

List the songs Al has ruined for you
But in a good way.

Thank god some other nerds arrived! Yes, the Blind Master certainly appeared more than once, and his final fight with Zartan was pretty awesome, just for the sheer brutality of it.

sad but not suprising
No matter how much a man has suffered in life, it is the scars of youth that refuse to heal.

Also Green Bird when Spike gets thrown out of the church. Man that's good.

I fucking LOVED it at the time. All of a sudden we were in some kind of new and incredibly bizarre reality. How the hell do this people/cylons know a 20th century Bob Dylan song? What the fuck is happening??

I think this show is designed to make you not want to have kids.

I don't know anyone that fucked Natalie Portman, but I do know a couple of hot astrophysicists. They do exist.

They were my first show ever too! The Apollo 18 tour, I must have been 12. My parents took me, I think it was at Rutgers in NJ. I say on a garbage can to see. They took out a radio at one point, I think to do riffs on whatever they found. Love in an Elevator started playing, to the amusement of the crowd.

Joel Hodgson likes it
I was just at a Cinematic Titanic show on Saturday, and during the pre-show, Joel mentioned this coming out and talked about what an inspiration this guy was.

I'm still liking the show overall, but I agree that Lights has become much less sympathetic. When the reporter said something like "I'm sorry this fight isn't going to happen, me and everybody else want to see you beat that guy" I practically shouted I DON'T. I am totally in Reynolds's corner at this point. I mean,

From what I've heard, 4chan's /v/ forum took a dislike to the game and the backlash that started there made the jump to metacritic. I'm making no assumptions, but it's possible the some of the metacritic scores could come from band-wagon jumpers who haven't even played it.