
C'mon people
Just fuck, who cares.

Death Row
I also like that they're giving him some characterization, and from the brief glimpses we've gotten of him so far (obviously he'll become more prominent as we go)….he actually seems like a good guy. I mean, he bought Lights's gloves for a ridiculous sum, and then rather then doing the standard antagonist

I am an F! B! I! AGENT!

I love On Stranger Tides, and Tim Powers in general, an unseemly amount. Anubis Gates is the best, I think, but On Stranger Tides is right up there, alongside The Stress of Her Regard.

Whit Anderson
IMDB's "Starmeter": Up 12558% in popularity this week.

Alright, a question
I don't really get the open air meeting scene…Luther obviously knew there were snipers on him, so why the hell did he start fumbling around in his pocket and give them an excuse to fire? His partner had to save him. In fact, what was the point to that meeting at all?

Actually, to drag this conversation back on topic, the size of the character's breasts is actually a plot point in the book. They didn't do a PERFECT overall job of making her look human, but they did manage to throw together a fantastic set of breasts, and she finds that's all the humans notice anyway.

Oh well
I heard this was a decent show, but I was so put off by the bullshit ending of BSG, I actively avoided it. I suspect I am not the only one with this view.

Don't forget that despite being the club joke, Sack is an ex-soldier. I'm not sure if that's really been mentioned other than…maybe the first episode of the show? Regardless, while it goes unremarked upon in the show itself, he's pretty consistently shown to be one of the most capable Sons when it comes to a fight

What to watch
Let's see:

An oldie, but I always loved: There's a restaurant we should check out, where the other nightmare people like to go. I mean nice people. Baby, wait. I didn't mean to say nightmare.

Yeah, the earlier draft I read had a couple of plotholes, I'm curious to see if/how they got plugged.

"At this point, brave men have been known to break down and cry"