The Visible Man

I think that should be rephrased as "Television can no longer contain Bryan Cranston."

Objection! Irreversible is repulsive, well done, and not terrible.

Xbox Live - MechaBarker

That, and getting toasted. Nicely toasted.

No. Ed Wood.

Wasn't this an episode of Quantum Leap?

Or even better… Mirror Spock!

Surely we can only determine when someone's middle-age was after they've died?

"The minimum bet is $10,000 dollars."

Freeman should only show up in a walk-on - from what I hear he's pretty poor at delivering dialogue.

I love each and every one of you.

Alternatively, try moving to Great Britain.

@Lurky - I often wonder what nu-metal would have been like if the musical and lyrical themes that were taken from its formative albums - Korn and RATM's self-titled debuts - had been switched around. That is, if bands had looked to Rage's politically charged commentary rather than Korn's egotistical nihilism for…

It's only a throwaway piece, but I adore "The House of Asterion". It reminds me of "The Tell-tale Heart", in that it reads very much like a lunatic loudly proclaiming how sane they are.

Yes, Dead Set was awesome, and was written by Charlie Brooker, who is triple awesome.

Bloods vs Hooligans is my favourite part.

Amen. Absolute legend. Rest in peace.


Swell Season FTW
This is not even a fraction as good as the Swell Season version.

Yes, a few too many of Mr. Graham's crackers, Philouza?