
No . . . that'd be too realistic

Yes, .357 Mag — S&W Model 13, 3" barrel was the standard-issue revolver — but the FBI weren't using hollowpoints back in '81, it would just be jacketed roundnose ("hardball").  So most likely would have zipped straight through, with the exit wound just slightly larger than the entrance wound.

I know . . . kinda like the real-life, current FBI, who didn't manage to even GET to the crime scene in Benghazi until A FUCKING MONTH after our people were slaughtered there . . . and THEN, after doing their so-called "investigation," left behind such trivial, inconsequential pieces of evidence, such as the murdered

I've gotta go back & re-watch that scene (haven't had a spare moment to, yet) because I'd swear that that you can see the bullet that hit Elizabeth very clearly going through the passenger door as the car was speeding backwards — so I'm still convinced that the bullet that hit her was shot into the side of the car,

OK, let me put a few cents in . . . (2, to be exact! LOL) — the answer to the first part is no — any bullet going through the front grill has absolutely ZERO chance of not hitting the radiator; and for all practical purposes, about the same chance, of not hitting the engine, after that —

Damn!  and here I was, thinking that "KGB" stood for "Kind, Gentle, & Benevolent" — !! — ha ha   ;)

Totally agree, with all of the above!  Just can't help but wonder when they're gonna get around to doing the whole "take your kid(s) to work with you for the day" thing that was batshit-popular in the '80's . . . . !  LOL

I'm just wondering why Paige didn't mention "boo" about having a nightmare, when Elizabeth asked her why she was awake & downstairs — a glass of water??  Not one word about the horrible nightmare that prompted her to try to wake her brother up, and then to dare to venture into her parents' bedroom?  Doesn't make sense

Yeah — but the big question is:  is this show really any better than Friends, Mad About You, or Seinfeld??  (or even Sex in the City)

I disagree — granted, Elizabeth probably won't be candidate for Mother of the Year anytime soon — but she truly does love those kids, and I really don't think she views them as just "props"

How was she lying about her connection w/ Zhukov?  My impression was exactly the opposite:  that this scene confirmed that she'd had an ongoing relationship with him, beginnning decades earlier — i.e., just as she'd claimed [to Elizabeth] that she'd had, during their conversation in the car, 2 or 4 episodes ago — ???

I can't swear to all of this, without rewatching, but I believe in the pilot, at the end, when they were in bed, after Philip had killed the Captain, she spoke to him in Russian.  I do know, absolutely, at the very least, that she revealed her real Russian name, Nadezhda, to him — but the significance then, as now,

If I remember correctly, if you watch the scene again, you will actually see the bullet going through the passenger door, I believe while the car was still speeding back in reverse.

Absolutely, she did.  Without a doubt!

And that echoes the scene she did as Mags  Ma Barker whatever the hell her name was, back on  Justified, when she poisoned that girl's father at the kitchen table, with the apple cider in a spiked glass — she watched and talked to him as he's dying slowly.  Beautiful! 

Exactly.  It's a direct extension of her mother speaking in Russian on the tape, about how happy she looked in the photographs with her beautiful family, which she'll never meet, but who, after all, are her family, too.  It was PERFECT

I'm pumped!  I'm pumped!  I'm pumped!   "Come home."  "приходят домой"   YEAH !!!!!

I'm just wondering whether that's why they inexplicably skipped that one week a while back — just to air that stupid movie which I didn't watch?  LOL  It never made sense to me, that they did that — but perhaps this is why, after all . . .

Yup! — and as long as we're citing examples, don't forget about what the KGB did to the widow and infant child of that agent — murdering her (and setting it up to look as though she'd overdosed on heroih, herself) thereby making her child into a full orphan — then shipping him over to the USSR, of all places!  Gee,

Basically, that he's in some sort of FBI's "Internal Affairs" self-investigating division — it's always been somewhat ambiguous, but that was the presentation of it at the very beginning of the relationship