
Let me just back up a step, and explain why — or more precisely, how — it is, that I'm "blaming" Philip for "making her" take the bus home — when it was, in fact, she, who very clearly stated that she'll take the bus home — even adding, at the end, that "the bus . . . is a breeze!" — when Philip offered to drive her

Yes, what you've described is true (I just re-watched the scene to make sure).  However, it is not inconsistent with my original point (about "not pouring the coffee" into the "outstretched mug").  Elizabeth's "outstretched mug" was her wanting Philip to come back home, and not only that, but also her going out of her

I must have missed it the first time around, and I haven't re-watched it yet — when, exactly, had he already dropped the news of the apartment on her, and she'd misunderstood it?  Honestly, I don't recall him having told her about the new apartment, until AFTER she'd sat down on the bed in the motel room and had begun

He already did! — it was at the end of Episode 10, when she came to his motel room, clumsily broaching the idea of reconciliation, and he dropped the news of his new apartment right on her head.

yes. I think so.

it's that "h" after the "Z" — gets 'em every time!  ha ha

They can, if they make it look like she had a heart attack.  The old umbrella trick again, for example — there are ways to covertly induce heart failure which would not be picked up in an autopsy even today — let alone, in the early '80's!

Honestly, I'd be really happy to think that, but I have a hard time accepting that he could really be THAT dense — Elizabeth wasn't exactly beating around the bush — and since it seems to me that he'd be hypersensitive to such "signals" from her to begin with (since reconciliation, I'm convinced, is something he's

and, on top of all that! — to allow her to take the fucking BUS home???  — WTF ???!   I dunno — it's just not consistent with the Philip that I've watched being developed all season thus far — and until now, it's been an admirably-consistent development . . . oh well —

Yes, I totally agree with all of the above.  But that kind of makes it even more bizarre that he doesn't jump at the chance to consolidate his marriage, and his family, again.  I have willingly identified with just about every aspect of Philip up until this one — but I've gotta admit, this one just left me cold,

Is it just me, or is Philip a real asshole?  Whatever happened to, "Hell yeah!  Let's go . . . we can make this work, if we both want to do this . . . and it's the right thing to do." — ???

how was that? I don't remember him blackmailing her . . .

I was similarly torn . . . in a sense, I'm glad he's permanently out of the picture, purely as a function of my rooting for Phillip & Elizabeth to succeed as a couple (even if he had been removed, as far away as to Moscow — but were nevertheless, still alive — I'd think that Elizabeth would be forever secretly pining

Definitely super-hot.  I don't know how anyone could think otherwise.  :)

Cf.:  my response to "Scrawler," above (though with a much gentler tone, since you didn't resort to using vicious slander as your rebuttal weapon — Kudos to you, for that!)

Since you took the liberty of "forcing" yourself to resort to an ad-hominum attack here (to the exclusion of any rational argument in support of your views)  I do not feel my usual hesitation, in calling YOU a moron.

Actually, it's profoundly ironic that just a short time after Gregory advised Elizabeth not to take Philip back, because he would "soften [her] up," it is Gregory himself (in concert with his situation) who ultimately serves to make Elizabeth go soft . . . and at the same time that Philip is the one being the hard-ass