Wylie Times

Why let something everyone knows get in the way of a bad whine? Her reviews are pretty bad and have become unreadable. I doubt she has ever read a superhero comic….well probably ms marvel as that is an anti white privilege feminist comic.

You are wondering why a marvel show set in the same city as Daredevil woudl bring the hand in as a villain in a martial arts show?

She also brought a girls character comparison into a Marvel show. I am sure the audience crossover is one of the smallest Venn diagrams on the avclub. But why would we let anyone who knows comics write a review, let's have the girls superfan do it.

You know how the review is going to be if part of your review is:
"If you’d like to read more about the campaign for an Asian-American Iron Fist that took place when the series was first announced, I highly recommend this piece from Keith Chow over at Nerds Of Color."

"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. And then the murders began."

Not sure who owns Alpha Flight, but he could easily be Puck.

They are re-tooling it by adding Dwight Clark. Joe Montana turned it down though.

It doesn't seem right to call The Flash a show.

I see no Boaty Mcboatface piece anywhere.

I member.

I know that all of these sound like jokes, but Brandon Graham re imagined Prophet and it could make an amazing movie.

blu ray and 4k ruined some of this movie for me. During the canal scene you can clearly see an older stunt man driving for furlong. For some reason that drives me crazy

Member Dr evazan? Yeah i member, member ponda baba?
All kidding aside, I thought the cameos were great. I think they should have not shown Leia and just had her view from the back before the Tantive leaves. Red and Yellow leader made me almost as happy as seeing the former Red 5 bite it.

David Morse makes anything good…I even like Drive Angry…that's right I'll be the one person to admit they saw it and liked it.

Go to recall, they can remember it for you wholesale.

Ford Fairlane is a trash movie that will always make you laugh like a 13 year old. The I eta pi sorority joke always cracks me up. It's a guilty pleasure that ranks with Ready to Rumble for me…..they are in on the joke how bad they are and live it up. Wayne Newton is the bad guy…..

"the real scene-stealer here is an Abraham Lincoln I am almost certain is just some man D’Souza grabbed off the street."

Someone's panties are in a bunch. Probably that guy in the North Carolina target bathroom.

I heard the filter song today on the "alternative" rock station. I think it holds up better then anything else on here.

So someone took Christopher Priest's and changed it a little and made a young adult series. Pass. If you want a great story read the original— https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…