Wylie Times

I think they missed the boat by not having the villain be Van Damme. I will give this a shot for the sole purpose of saying I watch all time travel shows and they all get it wrong.

I refuse to watch anymore Jarmusch movies until I can get an American release of Ghost Dog on blu ray.

oooh weee what's up with that?

Bad Medicine sounds great. For some reason as I was reading the description, all I could think of was that they stole it from Better Off Ted. I would play any game that relates to Better Off Ted in any way, so I am in.

I want to erect a settlement. Does anyone have any wood for my erection?

Why does the picture at the top look like she was using Joker products from Batman. I also never understood the appeal of this show even though some of my friends raved about it. Guess I am not feminine enough for it. Queines mas macho?

what is too soon? last night, our trivia team name was "Alliagtor or nightclub, choose your own adventure", and we won best team name. This seems like our kinda bar.

I missed where he banned obama when they banned fox news from some events. Well at least hypocrisy is alive somewhere.

The guy who argues about "as if from far away" is my idol. That guy made every d&d game turn into just drinking and making fun of him after we make him leave.

The ones who should be punished are the execs who gave them a second season. The sister in law loves this show so we tried to watch it and even my wife could not get through 10 minutes. But we have to keep throwing bones to talent less heathens.

Yeah make him suffer through a rom com with Julia Roberts before you can spout off like that.

I'd be more impressed by the corpse of Gilbert Gottfried.

I will rule you! I will reign supreme…soon as I finish these beers.

what if he said "give me the keys you fucking cocksucker"

The fans have not spoken. Most of them do not want to gay up any of the Captain Americas. Why can't people just accept people as they are? Everyone knows Disney will not cut off their nose and make any of their popular characters gay. They are in the business of making money, not losing money.

I asked John Titor about it and he said it has something to do with the building of the C204 Time Displacement Unit.

The same as the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns.

I couldn't have recognized Pat Healy in any movie.

I like how he is naming his column after A Metallica Live Box Set.

I would never purge Synchronicity….Best Police Album Ever!