Wylie Times

I am glad I don't watch action movies for the politics that people pretend are there. Things can be entertaining without needing political messages being told to me that I do not see or care about. I was entertained, are you not entertained?

This sounds like the plot of a movie. A movie about an inter office memo that gets our hero fired only to show he was right all along. I wonder who we can get to write it, maybe someone big like Cameron Crowe. Maybe get Tom Cruise involved. Nah, it'll never work, sounds too contrived.

Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburgers.

"Intelligence and empathy do not always go hand in hand."

If you ever read James Ellroy novels, you would appreciate LA Confidential more. I still can't believe you can turn something that huge into a great movie. It's a travesty that it is so low and it should have won best picture.

Robert Kirkman? I guess Stan Lee said he had better shit to do.

I want to hear stories about him making sci fi movies as a non director, would like to hear how him and Carpenter made Escape From New York

I heard he is opening for Cosby on his tour.

Ray Stevenson is as close to the Punisher Max comic as you can get. Unfortunately, War Zone played the villains as too close to cartoonish as you can get.

I'll say it…give me Pirates of the Caribbean. I think it has better replay value plus it's not over the top. Pressed, I would probably take Ong-Bak too. And I appreciate the mention of the hammer fight from Oldboy, that scene is beauty for action.

I do not see Joan as a vigilante, but more as becoming Sherlock. It's as if the apprentice has taken the next step in becoming the master. Sherlock would have no qualms about doing what Joan did, nor do I think Joan will feel anything bad about what she has done. She has brought a killer to justice. The only thing

I disagree, you can "go suck a fuck"

I'm in.

John Titor says he knows the truth but won't share it with me.

I see a lot of questions about why Danny does not know all the powers
of the Iron Fist. My first reply is that we do not know how long Danny
has had the power of the Iron Fist.

I see a lot of questions about why Danny does not know all the powers of the Iron Fist. My first reply is that we do not know how long Danny has had the power of the Iron Fist.

People should not write reviews about genres that have 4 shows related to it and then ask silly questions like why police in a corruption based city do not show up. I pointed out in here first review that Meachem wasn't in a bunker but in a penthouse as shown in the show and she had to correct it in her second

If you read the current comic you would know this is true. I had to stop reading it because they made Danny more spastic than a teenager.

So you are saying all you have to do is watch ANY of the other netflix marvel shows?

It's part of the editorial process. They send in a review, and editor ships it back with a note saying "insert Trump or someone else will be writing this"