Wylie Times

I thought this was a sequel to Ready Player One. I glad it is not.

it will be the AVClub reader's review of Preacher where nerds whine about what is different with the show.

watch After the Thrones where 2 nerds talk about game of thrones with cursing because…..cable. No guests to suck up to so they do generally trash stuff as well as like stuff. Not stumping for it, but giving a counterpoint example

The beard he has lately makes me think he has been using all of this for a cameo on the walking dead…..or he just is a hipster dufus. The answer can be both.

Except your self admitted jackassism

Fuck Communism

This will be another suck up shitfest that no one will like except nerds who like suck up shitfests. After the thrones is actually pretty good, gives information you might not know, curses and has no guests to suck up to.

I saw no Jean Claude Van Damme….this Timecop sequel is going to suck…or is it a prequeul?

I wanted to fight you on this, but I won't be the one left behind. You can't be king of the world if you're slave to the grind.

For some reason I thought it was 3 shows: Midnight ,Texas and Timeless with an omitted comma

And knowing is half the battle

The Punisher had been shadowing them the whole time and took his opportunity when he could.

I was enjoying the article until Caitlin whined her venom that heroes must be changed to accommodate her liberal sensibilities. The story of cindy moon would be more appealing to her and about 5 other women and NOBODY else. She hates spider man yet wants it to be more interesting for her in her way. "Casting a

I remember buying it at a bookstore that ordered it for me in paperback, because they would certainly not carry it and it was only available for order in paperback…it only made me want to read it more

How you doin?

Or they remember the cover of Peter Gabriel's "I have the touch" which makes me wish they had Local H's cover of "Shock the Monkey" still one of the great AV Undercovers

I've read American Psycho 3 times and always flinch at the rat scene that was understandably omitted from the movie. It's just Ellis trying to shock for shock's sake, like that Genesis chapter….Their music still gives me chills.

I saw Saving Private Ryan the week it came out in the theaters. Never have I left a theater seeing so many men with red eyes, except maybe the early preview of American Sniper in Fort Worth, Texas. The shared collective of a group that is emotionally speechless is hard to beat for a movie going experience.

I was thinking Smokey and the Bandit 2

And this is one person's opinion. Just like yours is one person's opinion and mine is one man's opinion. I am part of one of the most stereotyped races(Native American) in movies but do not get offended by movies because….they are movies. That might be why I "roll my eyes" at racial issues in movies, or maybe why I