Wylie Times

I liked the Lawrence of Arabia shot. It also won the best picture over To Kill a Mockingbird, deservedly so.

I say that because I think To Kill a Mockingbird is a good film, but Lawrence of Arabia is a phenomenal film. My happiness was that he chose the best movie from that year instead of coping out to a courtroom scene from Mockingbird. Again it has nothing to do with race as you keep making it seem.

The shot of the 2 of them on the balcony with lust crazed shooting would have been great.

Or the part where the cup falls and breaks. I also would have liked maybe a Toy Story shot for 1995.

And guaranteed not to please anyone fully. With the age of the internet, everyone has become their own cinephile and quality from the past has been revived and revered. Everyone is forgetting this is just his opinion, not the be all end all list made by some giant film institute I will disagree with no matter what.

So you really do believe any scene from Eve's Bayou would be a more memorable scene then any scene from Titanic?

Do you even know what movie he chose for 1962? Go figure. My opinions have nothing to do with race as you want to surmise, but what I chose as quality. Go ahead with your everything is about race world view, I will watch movies through a broader lens.

That scene is a great choice as it is the scene where paranoid Jimmy decides he is going to kill everyone. I would have preferred the tracking shot also, but his choice is good, if not strange as the most memorable.

It's a great film with great scenes. If you were choosing ones with dialogue, most people would pick the seduce line, whereas I would easily pick "Plastics" as my favorite. Maybe it is the anti-hype, maybe I just like it more, but hard to chose a single scene for some of the great films.

So, social justice warrior, you think any iconic shot in eve's bayou is more important or iconic then the Titanic scene?

I actually like some of these choices, particularly the 1962 non selection of Gregory Peck in a courtroom scene

I do not understand why every critic thinks Chaplin hung the moon.

Everyone thinks of the leg shot that also was used for the poster but the bus ride is great for people who actually watch the movie.

I may be back on board if this review is accurate. I gave up after the first episode of season 3 and did enjoy the first 2 seasons, but 3 just started out making me want to hate watch.

They made it and just did a few minor re shoots it and changed his name to Kazaam.

Reading the beginning of this story made me immediately think of Fatale. Then I saw the panels and realized it's going for shock value. Great Job, Internet.

How come they never talked about zombies in the show Life After People? I need my realistic TV to help me reconcile my fictional hate watching shows.

Makes sense because the comic is more about Carl and the show is more about Rick

My choice after Glenn is Aaron. Sleeper pick is Rosita. Her usefulness
in the group is gone and they decapitated her in the comics when she
was pregnant…that screams I hate this character. I personally would love to see AMC test their ratings power after this debacle by killing Daryl. The ratings after this crap…

It won't be Sasha, she took Andrea's role from the comic as the sniper. If they are going to stick somewhere in the neighborhood of the comic, they won't kill her.