
They went with a different style, because you and I and the house plant have seen dozens of mafia movies, so they made one that was different. It was not operatic, it didn't respect the characters. They were brutes and losers, and even the law man was horrible. It works well as a counterpoint to Godfather and

Final five minutes of SN, circa season 8

Haircuts …

This could be like that beloved film adaptation of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy from a few years ago.

Perhaps Cas is in there somewhere …

I like the idea of this show.  A discussion of policies and politics that is designed to be entertaining and funny.  But in general - I didn't see this particular episode - it doesn't work for me.  Maher can be as shallow in his analysis as the political hacks that he has on the panel.  I'm pretty sure I've heard him

Omar's "indeed" is a lot of fun to say.

He did do the nasty in the past-y.

Going off of memory here, especially since I ain't going back to watch the Season 6 angst fest again. I remember thinking at the time that Normal Again could have been a strong episode, but actually highlighted how repetitive Season 6 was. The episode really focused on the existential issues in a way that could have

Who is this God person anyway?

Tobias, you'll enjoy the fourth book. The scope is a bit smaller, and it's essentially a love story. A cracked love story with all the brilliant digressions and humor.

Now, back to read the article.

Establish a mosque.

Please pretend that typo is a meta-self-referencing joke.

annoying pendantry
The title is actually "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying."

I'm with the haters. I've never seen so many fake-out cliffhangers in one book, or any other piece of work. The action sequences were poorly written and many of them were rip-offs. (I think I recognized a sequence from Speed in the book's train sequence.)

I often think of the scene in which a room full of office workers are secretly watching old movies at their work stations. I think of this scene whenever I wander through the cubicle farm and notice people surfing the internet.

low-fi, low-key
There is something about this season that I am just really digging. I can't really put my finger on it. Things that I ought to find inexcusably cornball, I grin at and chuckle at. In this episode, they saved most of the exposition, including the resolution, for the last 5 minutes of air time, and

What I don't like the most about season 6 is that it's repetitive. The themes that you all are discussing could be compelling, interesting, believable, but they are not compelling, interesting, believable when hit on over and over and over again over the course of the season.

Bad news, Rusty! If you don't like season 5 Buffy, I'm guessing you really, really won't like season 6. In season 5, the writers dip their toes in the angst pool. In season 6, they jump in with concrete blocks around their ankles.