
Now, would that be the names that Twilight Sparkle suggested? Or was there something in my original post?

Yeah, you are boring and have poor comprehension. Enjoy your upcoming birthday when you are legally allowed to buy wine coolers.

A "story" like this is worth a lot in clicks.

I might have to throw you a like, too, just to fit in. All caps, no sub-text. Geez. I've been reading the AV Club since before there were comments. I've been reading the Onion since the early 90s. I had no idea my fellow readers were such concrete thinkers. My twilight will no longer sparkle,

I think one of the more interesting things about A Song of Ice and Fire is how complicated everyone is. We think we have our protagonist in Ned Stark and the Starks in general and BOOM! We want evil to be punished and it isn't. It's more like real life from that perspective. Augusto Pinochet died wealthy and in

Never said any of those things. I didn't mourn Drogo's death. Dany did — in both the book and the show. Maybe this show just isn't for you.

Disagreeing with an opinion in an opinion piece? Unconscionable!!

I can barely remember that episode, so I would have to watch again, but Dany was sold to him as a slave. She had no real agency for long stretches of the book. I guess you want the show to be a slavishly recreation of the book. I didn't think of him as the pinnacle of anything except brute strength. I guess I have

Well, in my house, both my wife and I were bothered by the scene, but I didn't think, "I am going to blog about this forthwith!" I just looked at it as Jaime is an asshole and his whole life is sort of crumbling around him. Being an asshole, he tried to take something by force is a terrible moment. To me, it served

Interesting that this site has written at least two articles in praise of the movie Irreversible. Maybe the GoT rape wasn't violent enough for them?

I think all "think pieces" related to this "controversy" are mostly baloney, but who am I to argue with them. Websites thrive on clicks and here we are.

LOL, you can't make a point without putting words in my mouth? Here is Jezebel's totally rational headline in response: "The Game of Thrones Rape Scene Was Unnecessary and Despicable" I wouldn't call them sluts, but they are definitely harpies. They probably get laid a lot more than bronies.

You actually expect an actor that handsome to read stupid books?

What don't you get about rape culture?!?!?! And white male privilege?!?! Jaime was a fan favourite, damn you!

LOL, f*&k you, dad!

These gosh-darn creative types and their unwillingness to take notes on the production from the Jezebel community. Curse them! I sure hope they clean up their act before something else nasty happens in Westeros!

Funny thing about that haircut re: Hitler. I live in a small town, but for a large company with employees from all over the country. So we have quite a range of fashion sensibilities. I was in the cafeteria and a very smartly dressed guy came in with that haircut. In addition, he had very dark hair and also put a lot

Isn't that Hitler-youth haircut currently really popular among young, fashion-forward guys? I don't think they are going for a Hitler look.

I would have thought there would be more money in it.

This happened to me recently with Justin Cronin's The Crossing. I picked it up without knowing much about it because I had the summer off with pay (I was teaching at the time.) I was really enjoying it until I got about 70% through the book and started realizing that the story would not be wrapped up in the remaining