
It's interesting to read this knowing you are a huge fan and astute fan of the show from these threads because I have almost the exact opposite feeling about Spencer. I really enjoy watching him play.

Yeah, she demonstrated some remarkable insight into the mind of a 21 year old college kid. I am almost twice his age and I would have wanted to punch her in the face. I think Spencer demonstrates remarkable poise for anyone of any age. In closing: fuck off, Kass.

I was in a couple of long distance relationships at that age (home for the summer from university type stuff). It sucked so much. I would definitely advise against it.

Never played lacrosse, but it appears that cross-checking and slashing are actually part of the game. And that ball is hard as hell. Not sure where anyone would get the idea that it's soft.

I'd like to go back to when the most popular rap songs were not about product shots for top shelf vodkas and handbags.

Fondue is fun and delicious. You don't have to be rich to want to dip tasty things into other tasty things.

The Usual Suspects is one of many movies that I find don't really hold up well, but boy, did I ever love it when I first saw it. Maybe I was less cynical then.

You know, I could just make up a bunch of shit about you to be insulting, but I consider that kind of cheap. The kind of thing I would have done maybe in high school.

You don't know what solicit means either?

So, in the future, CAPS will mean I was being tongue in cheek? I mean, you've commented her nearly 70,000 times. You should know.

I actually replied 2 days ago, but Disqus is a mess. Oh well, this topic is kinda boring at this point. *Queue your virtual boyfriend coming in to claim you spanked me!*

Yeah or be married for 10 years. I mean, the neighbourhood has changed a lot since I first started reading the AV CLub. All your posts are mysteriously liked by Moemoe and guest accounts. Hmmmm….

I used harpie in my reply to the bronie after he did the ALL CAPS SUPER SARCASM move that I felt was pretty dramatic considering my comment. But, your mileage will almost certainly vary.

Well, he/she clearly wasn't reading my comments, so I was thinking maybe s/he just liked to come act like an idiot with very few facts in Disqus. Pretty reasonable assumption. But let me guess, you will vehemently disagree, right?

I am starting to think you are also Dot Dot Dot.

I have to begrudgingly admire Trish at this point. I have been Team Spencer for a while now and will be until he is gone. I really wish I didn't think he is gone next episode.

Dot Dot Dot didn't even read what I wrote. I guess that made me wondering if he/she watches the show before he/she spanks someone's ass.

Depp frequently tells everyone he doesn't watch his movies. He has no idea if they are any good.

Harpie means I am diminishing my words, and in this case, the words where I was quoting Jezbel with *gasp* bile?!

I guess a good spanking means repeatedly putting words in my mouth and ignoring my posts.