
I'm not sure I want to play Elder Scrolls with other people. I would probably need to upgrade my computer anyways.


I went to university with the guy who was Emilio Estevez' stunt double for the skating bits. I never saw the movie, but we were all very impressed when he came back to school that year with stories of meeting Paula Abdul.

Chris Hardwick, "Some really heavy stuff in tonight's episode, but we're going to help you get through it."

Warm hands, cold butt.

Just because I would like to see them see it through. Maybe these 3 brains could actually win another challenge or two. But it doesn't really matter either way. Survivor producers are really not that ingenious when it comes to making up themes for each season — and I guess it shows with how quickly they abandon them.

I just think a team of mostly physically weak players were destined to lose Survivor challenges. But yeah these brains were especially hopeless. David was playing a post-merge game on day one. Dumb mistake.

Even with Amazon's resources, this seems like a waste of time and money.

He is the Shoeless Joe Jackson of throwing Survivor challenges.

Sarah impressively sniffed out Tribal Tat Tony is a cop, but she sure can't smell a heap of bullshit. I guess cops would tend to trust cops.

No doubt these points are all over the boards already, but I just need to vent a little. This season is a clusterfuck by design. You can't divide people by brains and brawn and beauty quite as cleanly as Jeff Probst would like to think. Really, the only tribe getting shafted in that configuration is brains — and

The ghost pictured above reminds me of Mason Verger make-up from Hannibal.

I don't know anything about this game. How long would it take for one experienced player to do this?

They should recast it with someone who looks like Glenn Beck. Actors who look like him must be pretty desperate for work.

That was so random. Two cuddly widdle bunnies sitting on a log. She kills them and leaves them there.

I had put that part of Twin Peaks out of my mind. Ugh!

Jane Siberry's "You Don’t Need" and "Taxi" are pretty goid examples, too.

Not sure she is supposed to be his ex. Edit: um, she probably is.

Yeah. Lol. And none came from me. You're not allowed to like things.

At long last, sir, have you no shame?