
They really went for it in that apology. I've never watched this show, but I would like to assure the creators of this successful sitcom that they "can regain [my] friendship" and that I have lots of great ideas for TV shows. Can we set up a meeting, friends?

Had to look that one up. Kind of wish I had some of those to add to the "annoying deck" I've been meaning to build.

I think it was actually Ponsonby Britt's comment — if I'm being honest.

I think so. They are both in the same world, so fans of Warcraft should have something to squee about. I loved playing all those games, but I don't have a strong desire to watch actors pretend to be those people. I was just weighing in on the question of what is an RPG without actually expressing a complete thought.

I thought you were referencing a throwaway moment from when George Harrison appeared on SNL. He's shown backstage having a disagreement with Lorne because Lorne was expecting all four of the Beatles to be there. (Maybe that is what you are referencing and there was more to the running joke.)

The RTS came first, so if that were the case, it was never an RPG.

Everyone is attacking me. The next person who attacks me, I'm gonna scoop! I swear, I'll scoop!

Platinum Angel will show up and the movie will never end.

I believe the $5000 was for all four members, not just one of them.

I think it showed how little regard for their bullshit Cohle has. If he shoved the guy or punched him, it would be like, "come at me bro" but he just slapped his stupid face because he ain't got time for that. You slap a bully and he doesn't come back at you? You've broken him. At least, that's my bullshit theory.

Speaking of which, I noticed a particular site I go to is suddenly very interested in that particular condition. I do not get that at all. In fact, it kind of makes me lose interest entirely in seeing anything else.

If they're not having an affair, that scene is really weird. Hart and Daddario were exactly as subtle as people having affairs in real life think they are.

But at least Cohle got the shading on her bum just right when he was sketching the scene. I'm glad they showed us that he was drawing it and not just relying on the photos Hart was taking. I realize what I typed is kind of a non sequitur, but as a bit of an amateur artist myself, these are the things I look for.

It definitely failed the Bechdel test.

Should have written that scene with her facing out from the tree.

Slapping people at work seems like it would be fun.

As a libtard, I must admit, the opening couple of paragraphs above had me puzzled. Really? The first thing that must be said about a TV show is how many women appear in it's first 10 minutes?

I was really looking forward to this. I plan to keep watching, but I was kind of bored during tonight's episode.

After The To Do List, you might not be seeing her name above the title for a while, but who knows…