
I was watching a band play in a parade once and a reasonably cute girl emptied her spit valve in front of me. I almost vomit even now thinking about it.

"Thought by some to be the inspiration<sup>By whom? Citation needed</sup> for the aforementioned Weezer track"

This reminds me of a recent court case where a guy was up on charges for making porn with his dog. When the judge asked if his dog was male or female, the guy reportedly replied, "Female! What do you think I am, a pervert?!"

More like, "Half-assed job, internet!"

When he discussed ball busting, I had to lie on the floor in the fetal position for a while.

I had that feeling about a few things especially long-forgotten songs. I once tracked down the drummer of a Canadian band and asked if he could send me their CD. He didn't have any extra copies, but he did send me the mp3 of their single. Once I had it, I still liked the song, but it was definitely not worth all the

Sadly, a huge number of people care. It's thoroughly baffling.

And a big sword.

I think your question will skew your results.

Are we talking the the Tolerability Index? Is it on a different system? I haven't looked at it in a while.

How is it easier over there?

It's Tony, the little guy who lives in his mouth.

Gimme that which I desire!

If I buy this, I guess I will have to give up masturbating in the same room as my Xbox.

Is there a market in China for anything that isn't a reverse-engineered copy?

I see Moose is still sexing Midge. Gawd, what does she see in that guy?

They done a few that were not on the ocean. The was one on an African game reserve where they had to sleep in an area protected by walls made with thorny bushes.

It had moments that tried to be hot, but it was mostly just annoying. I didn't watch a lot of it before I quit, so maybe I am judging it too harshly. A surprising amount of jealousy, too. Then again, it was a "reality show" and we know how real those tend to be.

Don't try that, it really hurts.

She should just immediately flop on the floor and start crying for sex. She could be getting it every day. Maybe this guy has a fetish for desperate, bawling women. We must respect his fetish!