
There was a series on polyamorous couples on cable a few years ago. It was almost unwatchable. The queer community can definitely claim ownership of that group.

Years ago, Rick Reilly, one of the biggest hacks in sports writing, used that convention to try and change his readers' opinions of Allen Iverson.

Punch Drunk Love — unless this is an act and I am missing the angle — in which case, carry on.

Oh, boy — you got some bad karma coming your way for that earlier comment. I bet someone cuts your water off while you are in the shower.

It's not too bad. I just let everything go to shit until the last minute and then pay someone to fix it.

For shame! How dare you mention finding a woman on TV attractive.

There's a pulp mill near me. I can't believe how much it stinks sometimes. No idea what chemical it is — it definitely doesn't smell like trees. Luckily, it's far enough away that I don't smell it very often.

It doesn't taste like original Tabasco at all. It's quite garlicky and it seems hotter than something like Frank's. I like it, but I'm not nearly as enthusiastic about it as some people are.

Luckily for the governor, Martinez decided to park his RV out of earshot and sight of the rest of a fairly large group of people.

"About that crisis of conscience in the woods: Pete, Brian, and Mitch find a group of campers, Pete decides to leave them alone; they go hunting; when they come back, the group has been wiped out by zombies."

16 X 9!

That line actually sent to Google to see if I understood what convex and concave mean. All those math graphs just made me more confused.

Social has been a noun for me ever since I finger-banged Suzy Rotten-crotch behind the gym during the annual Ice Cream Social.

Yeah, when do we get to see Hellboy actually become a daddy?

If they're not sexy, it's like they are a whole other thing than what we have now.

I'm just mad because nobody ever discusses the content of the TI.

If that means fewer threads of people discussing their weddings and awkwardly flirting, I welcome it.

I like it because I've been looking for a soundtrack for my mental breakdown. This tune goes great with my need to cut. Just a little cut.

Mmm yeah, that's some good avant-garde.

I wish my one black friend was more political. I got stuck with a evangelical Christian. I swear if he wasn't black, I would kick him to the curb!