
We're all wrong.

So the kids from that M83 video are in this?

So Heinz owns the word ketchup — or did at some point? I always wondered about the difference. I guess I could Google it, but why not crowd source it right here?

How many Pollacks does it take to fill a hole?

I wonder if they will play it straight — as if a CD player was on repeat  — or mess around with the structure throughout the 6 hours.

Ragnar Rocks!

@avclub-d7b683529752a4d24d84c4941861a363:disqus I liked it.

Sort of related: I watched Martin Scorsese's documentary about George Harrison and they were talking about that period in his life where he was starting his film production company, HandMade Films. One of the first movies he financed was Life of Brian and he had to mortgage his house to raise the 4 Million. I still

The two scenes described in the last paragraph actually caused me to roll my eyes and turn the show off. The idea that the blogger just rolls in for a chat with Abigail was ridiculous. Then the pacing, blocking and everything about that scene with the brother outside the house just seemed goofy to me. Oh well, I gave

Pearls of wisdom.

If the Garden State ROI is any indication, financing this movie would be a sound financial decision. Unfortunately for Mr. Braff, I do not have $2 Million.

I am always shocked to see these things get any money. A friend of mine told me about some 9 year old who raised $45,000 to make a video game — even though there was no reasonable expectation of being able to deliver. I guess some people have a hell of a lot more discretionary money than I do.

The comments have almost been too respectful. This board needs an enema!

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus Fear of a big dog running right at you seems like an entirely reasonable fear.

"Movies have the power to inspire…" heard at least once every Oscars.

My neighbour has a Yorkie and it never stops barking when it's outside. I don't think I could tolerate owning one. Small dogs can be surprisingly hard work.

That's how I read it as well. I was thinking this is the lamest fantasy fulfillment ever, but the friend had sex with his wife, right?

Bad impression of the Disney voice in a grotesque homemade costume. It was Eeyore as portrayed by Michael Myers crossed with the rabbit from Donnie Darko. Plus I reeked of booze and fried food. Why the kids loved it I will never understand.

Yes. In one of the education buildings on UNB campus. I was there with a friend who has introduced me to a lot of cool music. I enjoyed the building tension and raw power of their music, but I kept thinking about how Pete Townsend went deaf and I needed out!

Wow, this is long!