
I was hoping they'd do something like this. I think it would be fun to compile for example the Christmas episodes from various sitcoms to watch during the holidays…

It was a show about a bunch of assholes and most people are assholes.

Seriously. I was thinking this while reading a different article earlier. Why can't people just have hobbies they enjoy, even if you got beat up by jocks in high school?

Admit it, you and TT planned this.

He's pretty much never not looked good

Also, RIP Bob's hair.

Thank you, Alex, for inspiring me to Google "Adrian Pasdar," thus learning that he is not only married to a Dixie Chick, but that he played a character named Chipper in Top Gun. Also, he seems pretty cool.

Sounds like the next Coen bros movie.

Had to be said.

I didn't read every single comment, but I just wanted to make sure everyone watching the show was also aware of this case, with incredibly eerie timing and parallels:

the second one was crocs.

He resents the idea because it came from a woman.

That movie is not the origin of that idea.

Star Wars: A New Deal

So long dental plan!

"Cowering under the corpse"?
Eh, doesn't really matter. It'll be abbreviated for text-speak soon enough.

I guess it's a good time to finish the book that I started 8 years ago.

Check out the big Berenstain brains on Peter A!

Yup. Serious signs of delusion with this one.

Not pleased with the conversion