If I see this in public, there will be booze involved.
If I see this in public, there will be booze involved.
And nothing at all like having his litter box shat in by George Clooney.
And all you got were these lousy likes.
I'm curious if this is a pop culture reference, but I have no desire to Google the phrase "killing my dog" to find out.
I have not problem with it. But we already knew that.
Man, we know I need to do some laundry, too. Stop reminding me, us.
Sure, but that era of history is a lot less relevant to GoT than medieval history.
I did give up BSG because of its oppressive bleakness. As much as I initially loved it, the thing that I realized later was that it was also nearly completely humourless. I feel like regardless of the circumstances, human beings are capable of adaptation and humour is one of the most powerful adaptive tools…
Is it possible it was changed at some point? Did everyone else watch this episode when it aired? I watched it On Demand today (5/16) and absolutely heard "you."
I heard "you" as well.
So many of these are awesome exactly as they are: Soap, Law & Order, Quantum Leap.
Hey, I'm in that Venn overlap too!
That's what i was thinking. I can't remember what made me watch it, but it was pretty annoying the first time.
President Josiah "Jed" Bartlett FTW
11. ifyaknowwhatimean
Yeah, the number of kids at the school relative to the number of kids in Gryffindor is an issue, but she's admitted as much. The number of kids at Hogwarts relative to the apparent # of wizards in the UK is another problem.
Yep. I didn't black out after that 4th shot of Jameson; I was mind-altered by a wizard.
I never at all perceived Rowling as having disdain for Hermione's abolitionism. It's just shown to be so ingrained in the Wizarding world culture that they don't doubt it. Hermione as a very smart muggle-born kid sees that it's bullshit.
Maybe the score results in the number of points each team gets in league standings? (Or at Hogwarts, the House Cup)