Juliet and her Romeo
Juliet and her Romeo
I totally knew it was going to be her.
Yes. I would rather watch this silly little thing 500 times than watch Too Many Cooks once more.
I can't tell whether you guys have reached the heights of pop culture nerd-dom…or if it's actually a nadir.
My boyfriend makes the lez-baru joke occasionally. I didn't realize it was an actual stereotype.
Out of curiosity, I did a CTRL+F. The word "Thrones" appears 6 times on AV Club's homepage today.
I was thinking about this when I couldn't fall back asleep at like 4 am this morning. Is that guy just a douche or some sort of weirdly moralizing guy who disagreed with something going on with production or what?
Steve Martin's wife in Parenthood, to me.
I was thinking this exact same thing immediately after watching the episode. Justified is working with a totally different type of villain in the anchor-less, chaotic, idiotic, cocky Crowes - and that how this type of villain has been maybe the the most unnerving one for Raylan.
I'm wondering where I'll land after this season in terms of my opinion of Michael Rapaport's performance. Lines like that, he does really well, and I think he's good in the moments when the character's completely lost control, but I feel less convinced by him in the less dramatic scenes, where he's just having to…
Multiple seasons, even.
Yeah, or Raylan or Rachel or someone talks her down.
I came to the avc's article about this episode just to see if anyone else noticed this. LOVED it.
Pat Conroy
I feel like it was more a matter of Darryl being at the end of his rope and blowing up on yet another member of his family (one who was challenging him pretty intensely.) I think he lost his temper and felt the need to reassert himself, but it was less a matter of gender and more a matter of being head of the entire…
I asked the same question and came to the exact same conclusion. (As well as, "I guess the casting director decided there was already too much diversity.")
I kind of just took the way he touched her as indicative of the fact that he's a bully and that while we've seen them so far mostly acting as equals, he is probably not above using physical intimidation against her to get what he wants.
How was the takeout?
If you haven't already, check out "Mud." He's basically the same character, but his work is solid and the movie is good.