
Is it just me or is there a tv-archetype for scallywag uncles named "Jack?"

I just read the wiki for The Returned and it sounds like the kind of show that would give me incredibly disturbing nightmares.

This is the kind of conversation that keeps me coming back to this crazy place.

He's definitely in my top 5 choices for "who'd marry me if i had magical control over the universe" game.

gf, this isn't 'Nam; this is the avclub inventory! There are rules!

So, it was published in 1972. I'm behind a couple seasons on Mad Men. Have they made it to '72 yet?

Gawd, that really adds some darkness to that book. I honestly can't imagine that family (as I remember it) living in the Mad Men universe.

Frost, Wright, and Pegg - If I had to name a fictional trio of British entertainers, this would be pretty close to the names I would come up with.

We had a really cool English teacher who showed us Harold & Maude, Mission, and I BELIEVE Something Wicked. He also gave us the option of analyzing song lyrics for several essays and once played some They Might Be Giants, though I cannot for the life of me remember why.

I know it's silly, but this is so true and makes me angry and depressed.

I seriously struggle to understand all the love for Modern Family. The jokes and plots seem so recycled and cliche and the characters are often horrible. I love the redheaded kid and the big gay guy, but everyone else on the show makes my skin crawl.

Did the theatre not sell Snickers?

Apparently, there were a lot of parallels in our high school fashion choices.

I had real Docs for all 4 four years of high school, then lost them fleeing a hotel room in Boston. To this day, my mom still brings up the fact that she just doesn't know how ANYONE can LOSE a pair of SHOES!

I was about 60% Lindsay, 20% Ken, 10% Kim Kelly, and 10% alcohol.

Oh, cause of the OVERALLS. It took like 3 Mario Bros comments before i knew what the hell you guys were talking about.

Other root vegetable celebrities:
Anthony Edwards - daikon radish
Gwenyth Paltrow - parsnip
Jonah Hill - rutabaga

You can trade Skittles for crack these days?

That's what I assumed, also.

Reading this review was like having the enjoyment I experienced watching the show dropped into a gigantic tub filled with acid.