Yes, this sentence in particular makes me believe the author knows exactly what he/ she is doing.
Yes, this sentence in particular makes me believe the author knows exactly what he/ she is doing.
Ok, so everything about this is weird, but I am reading old taste test articles and halfway down in the comments of this one (in a conversation about whether AV Club staff is diverse enough), someone drops the name "Sean O' Malley."
I tossed this one up there today:
This isn't an extreme food at all, but if you guys can get your hands on some finger limes, I definitely recommend trying them. Bite or pinch off the top, squeeze the little lime guts out, marvel at their weird disgusting egg-like beauty, and then consume. They're like natural pop rocks.
Oh man, ZMF's commentary on Burger King is fucking hilarious.
Yeah, i have an uncle who used to eat those growing up. He was fat for most of his childhood. Then he got fit and good-looking and dated Vanna White.
Guys, tabasco with ketchup is pretty good, but ketchup mixed with sriracha is far superior.
Damn. How I am finding out about this place 5 days after driving through Cleveland???
Zapp's Pickle Chips - pretty damn good, actually.
It still exists, but I think it might be seasonal or something. And they are constantly rolling out awesome new flavors. I can avoid potato chips pretty easily, except those…
Am I the only one who really wishes they'd combine salt & vinegar with salt & pepper? (but only keep one of the salts.)
The Whole Foods "Dr. Snap" is pretty good. As is the root beer.
Bottle Caps always were and always will be the 2nd-best Halloween candy (behind wax lips.)
Man, I'm happy you guys have reintroduced me to Taste Test.
I would rather get punched in the face 3 times than watch either the Sean or the Mike O Malley show.
No idea how big Tobey Maguire is, but having seen Jake Gyllenhaal in person, I can tell you he is not small.
Poor Filch :(
Yeah, I pretty much just came to the comments today to say "WHERE THE FUCK IS DEWEY CROWE?"
You are only older than me by a couple years, but I gained most of my Roswell Roller Rink experiences while at Holcomb Bridge Middle School (another site of many disappointments.)