
Yes, this sentence in particular makes me believe the author knows exactly what he/ she is doing.

Ok, so everything about this is weird, but I am reading old taste test articles and halfway down in the comments of this one (in a conversation about whether AV Club staff is diverse enough), someone drops the name "Sean O' Malley."


This isn't an extreme food at all, but if you guys can get your hands on some finger limes, I definitely recommend trying them.  Bite or pinch off the top, squeeze the little lime guts out, marvel at their weird disgusting egg-like beauty, and then consume.  They're like natural pop rocks.

Oh man, ZMF's commentary on Burger King is fucking hilarious.

Yeah, i have an uncle who used to eat those growing up. He was fat for most of his childhood.  Then he got fit and good-looking and dated Vanna White.

Guys, tabasco with ketchup is pretty good, but ketchup mixed with sriracha is far superior.

Damn. How I am finding out about this place 5 days after driving through Cleveland???

Zapp's Pickle Chips - pretty damn good, actually.

It still exists, but I think it might be seasonal or something. And they are constantly rolling out awesome new flavors.  I can avoid potato chips pretty easily, except those…

Am I the only one who really wishes they'd combine salt & vinegar with salt & pepper? (but only keep one of the salts.)

The Whole Foods "Dr. Snap" is pretty good. As is the root beer.

Bottle Caps always were and always will be the 2nd-best Halloween candy (behind wax lips.)

Man, I'm happy you guys have reintroduced me to Taste Test.

I would rather get punched in the face 3 times than watch either the Sean or the Mike O Malley show.

No idea how big Tobey Maguire is, but having seen Jake Gyllenhaal in person, I can tell you he is not small.

Poor Filch :(

Yeah, I pretty much just came to the comments today to say "WHERE THE FUCK IS DEWEY CROWE?"

You are only older than me by a couple years, but I gained most of my Roswell Roller Rink experiences while at Holcomb Bridge Middle School (another site of many disappointments.)