
“'Never use a verb other than ‘said’ to carry dialogue,' he advised."

Which must mean you're talking about the Roswell Roller Rink, which I associate with various weird smells and disappointing memories…

Holy shit, this conversation just got (literally) way too close to home for me.

Wow, uncaring and orchestrating. Sounds like a real bastard.

I happened to be watching Season 1 Cheers on Netflix before I came across this article…so I also know what I am doing late tonight.

"Unexpected ally?" Why, girls and women everywhere have always found an ally in Mr. Sam Etic.

The best part is Nick's video when he predicts that he should be nice to Coach or he's going to "go live a bunch of other white people."

I was listening to a translation of one of the prisoner's describe his experiences a couple weeks ago and it was simply horrifying.  I am glad for anything that can get more attention to what we as a society are allowing our government to perpetrate.

This needs more likes.

Yeah, I accidentally watched that scene twice (just last night, in fact. just started watching this show this past week!) and was really happy I did, largely because of Sam's reaction.

He doesn't mix his fruits with his vegetables…like a superstitious old woman.

It is so fucking easy to use too much tarragon.

@Barnitosupreme:disqus It's also CJ Spiller and Stevie Johnson…

The fuck's a Drexl?

Not what Ponyboy and Frost had in mind.

Heat 2: Moobsweat Boogaloo

I can totally see Jim Morrison doing the batusie

Well, I owe you folks a thank you for providing me with material to stay included in the hardcore Star Wars discussions that occasionally take place in the office.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus He's still locked in Ben Savage's garage…

This video creeps me out a bit.