Your defense of them is LITERALLY the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I am LITERALLY going to murder you for it. Your comment LITERALLY ripped my heart out and stomped on it. I LITERALLY think you should be sterilized.
Your defense of them is LITERALLY the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I am LITERALLY going to murder you for it. Your comment LITERALLY ripped my heart out and stomped on it. I LITERALLY think you should be sterilized.
That in no way excuses the misuse of the word "literally."
That literally made my stomach churn.
And helpful to me in knowing which ones to look out for.
@avclub-8f9f2e0abeda68b5d8d864b53f26c638:disqus That really is the only plausible backstory. Absolutely baffling accent.
Yeah, I agree with all of this. He will be a great Bond if it comes to that.
Henry James!
He's not allowed to leave 221B Baker Street.
I LOVE Donna. But, i am also not a man.
I don't know why, but Benneton jokes never stop being funny to me.
I agree with you about Elba not being a good Doctor, but I think he'd probably be a pretty good Bond.
Is it sadistic to enjoy watching morons overreacting to something totally ridiculous? Also, the repeated misuse of the word "literally" by so many of these people undermines any sympathy I might have for them.
THIS. This is why Al Gore invented the internet.
I have always depended on the pill connections of internet strangers.
You just changed my worldview.
I know you're joking, but I'm female and if they ever had a female Doctor, I'm not sure I'd keep watching. Part of the appeal is the aspect that titillates the 13 year old girl in me - some cute man saving the day. I'm sure a female Doctor would fill that role even better for some folks, but I'm not sure my…
You guys are kinda ruining Sherlock for me. Anyone tries to say something bad about "Scandal in Belgravia," and I'll be forced to fight them.
Interesting question and I certainly don't have an answer. To what degree should representation equal compensation? To what degree should a production go out of its way to employee minority performers? Or should it all just come naturally? Or is society as a whole so biased that we have to reach in order to fill the…
I would love to watch this show, but every time I try, something horrific and saddening happens. Like tonight. I don't have the seratonin supply for it.