Mediocre Fred

I think some of why people can put up with his "cockiness" is the fact he's from Jamaica, a small, poverty-stricken country with only one niche in all of world athletics.  If an American athlete did the stuff he did, I think some of the people who find it charming with Bolt would be up in arms about it.

I think some of why people can put up with his "cockiness" is the fact he's from Jamaica, a small, poverty-stricken country with only one niche in all of world athletics.  If an American athlete did the stuff he did, I think some of the people who find it charming with Bolt would be up in arms about it.

I don't know who John Cho is, but I was confused by the review, because can someone really be "underused" in the pilot of a sitcom?  I mean, who's to say he won't be in it way too much by episode six?

I don't know who John Cho is, but I was confused by the review, because can someone really be "underused" in the pilot of a sitcom?  I mean, who's to say he won't be in it way too much by episode six?

When Mark Wahlberg screeches"It's a bad time, Bob!", it was the hardest I laughed in a movie theater in years.

When Mark Wahlberg screeches"It's a bad time, Bob!", it was the hardest I laughed in a movie theater in years.

Ah, very cool - thanks!

Ah, very cool - thanks!

Yeah…I have only listened to the last two Black Keys albums, so I don't know if their early stuff sounds wildly different, but my problem with them is that on both albums, I literally had problems telling when one song ended and the next began without looking down to my iPod…they're certainly not the only band that

Yeah…I have only listened to the last two Black Keys albums, so I don't know if their early stuff sounds wildly different, but my problem with them is that on both albums, I literally had problems telling when one song ended and the next began without looking down to my iPod…they're certainly not the only band that

I know, me too.  Not my point.  I wasn't talking about the comments, which I've been thoroughly enjoying…just that the write-ups have all been basically exactly the same and made the same point over and over and over with almost no variation.

I know, me too.  Not my point.  I wasn't talking about the comments, which I've been thoroughly enjoying…just that the write-ups have all been basically exactly the same and made the same point over and over and over with almost no variation.

Sooo…Erik Adams took his turn writing the same exact thing every single one of these Olympic write-ups has said.  Well done, sir.

Sooo…Erik Adams took his turn writing the same exact thing every single one of these Olympic write-ups has said.  Well done, sir.

I would have them as my fourth best/favorite (for me it's Beatles, then Kinks, then Who, then Stones), so I guess that while I'd certainly disagree with someone who posited them as the sixth-best, I don't think its THAT outrageous…let's say someone had my top 3, and then threw The Animals in there above the Stones, or

I would have them as my fourth best/favorite (for me it's Beatles, then Kinks, then Who, then Stones), so I guess that while I'd certainly disagree with someone who posited them as the sixth-best, I don't think its THAT outrageous…let's say someone had my top 3, and then threw The Animals in there above the Stones, or

Well, I would argue with you on those points, but ok…my point is that its amusing to me how many people think the complaints you just made (and more) are not replicated in other countries (and usually much worse).

Well, I would argue with you on those points, but ok…my point is that its amusing to me how many people think the complaints you just made (and more) are not replicated in other countries (and usually much worse).

I've seen people who live in other countries say this on a few of the previous Olympic threads already, and I'm sorry to ruin this thread by countering all those who are so reflexively anti-American and just love saying the word "jingoistic", but I have lived in 6 different countries, including four different ones

I've seen people who live in other countries say this on a few of the previous Olympic threads already, and I'm sorry to ruin this thread by countering all those who are so reflexively anti-American and just love saying the word "jingoistic", but I have lived in 6 different countries, including four different ones