
As long as he stays away from Paula Poundstone.

Way to use "scrote"!

I have to say it was nice that Camwhore's parent expressed concern about his emotional well-being and his future job prospects, and didn't go all "ooh sex stuff bad bad". So ups for that.

It was fun, stuff happened, Juliette got to go all alpha-chick! But it left me jonesing for me Wu. We ALWAYS need more Wu.

Yeah, still not convinced Renard's brother is dead.

Those are really the only two options.

"depowered" is truly an excellent word!

Not enough Wu. NEED MORE WU.

Haven't seen a single one of these atrocities. Not sure whether to be proud or ashamed??

Yeah, the vet is their expert! I loved that scene of them knocking on the parents' door and was really hoping Nick would say something like, "This is Juliette, she's a veterinarian and she's here to treat your son."

Still enjoying this show! Which apparently bewilders "reviewers", making me even happier to be enjoying it. Can't get enough of James Spader. Even when he's bad, he's delightful.

So much YES to this! I have a really hard time hearing the dialogue. I figured it was just due to my advanced elderliness but I would be much happier blaming it on the sound mixing!

Well right from the get-go I've thought that Renfield, given how they've introduced him to us, would be the character with the most interesting and involving reveal. And that the relationship between him and Drac would prove to be well worth exploring. I found the torture scenes brutal - they were really well done,

Yes! We need more Bud.

As soon as I saw that cheap-ass wig on the old lady I knew something wasn't kosher. Other than that, I enjoyed just watching this without thinking too much and letting it go wherever it went. It was pretty bloody, too, which is always a plus.

Well damn, I just plain old enjoy this show. I know it's shit, but JAMES SPADER. He's so entertaining I actually make a point to pay attention to what time it is so I can watch this, which is an honor that only "Grimm" receives from me. I don't think about it too much, don't expect too much, and am perfectly happy

I love every note of Mark Knopfler's guitar in "Sultans of Swing".

I'm pretty much going to give a thumbs up to anyone who mentions Neil. Because NEIL, amirite?

Gaaahhhh why did I watch this??

Oh hellz yeah.