
YES. Thanks for correcting that. The fact that he referred to the "unusual" suspects made me chuckle.

Oh god! Disappointing Sue Heck would be the worst thing anyone could do!


I love your mom with my whole heart and soul.

I have so much love for this show. In fact I'm watching a rerun of it RIGHT NOW THIS VERY MINUTE (yay for being unemployed).


I thought she was crying because she had plans to use her connection to him and now she doesn't have that asset any longer?

Thank you! I totally missed that.

Fun episode! At first I thought maybe the bloated-belly dudes were going to give birth to freaky Wesen mutant babies (which would have been cool actually). But I guess it was just, y'know, bloat. Urgh. Why did they climb trees, btw? Did I miss that explanation?

"retained 100% of its Grimm lead in audience" - yeah, that's me baby! Waaaay too lazy to change the channel after Grimm. So I've watched the first two episodes of Drac, and given that my Friday night fat-ass laziness is unlikely to disappear, I'll keep on watching it. It's fun and totally un-demanding. It looks good.

This was tons more fun than last week! It had the usual goofy antics of the Scoobies, Nick was more interesting, and there was plenty of Renard (mmm mmmm). Now if we could get lots more Wu all would be well in the universe.

Wut up with the almost-Keira Knightley actress? It was so distracting - I'm all like, REALLY? KK is in a TV show? And then I was so consumed by the insanity of that I found it hard to focus.

Well, I loved it 'cause it's "Grimm" and I'm easy that way. But . . . . . srsly? The main character was actually the least interesting part of the show, not sure that's a good sign. I feel like there are too many ideas/themes/plot points floating around and not really connecting.

Yeah, so, I've given this show 2 tries and I just can't with it. The characters are generally annoying and unlikeable and it's not really funny and I'm disheartened when I hear people saying how it really speaks to them and it's their favorite show and they love Mindy………

I really do. It's not easy to be me!

How I love Allison Janney and yet hate hate hate this show. Unlikeable characters, bad writing, blah blah.

I'll be watching because Blair Underwood. I feel no shame.

Oh so much ugh. Toni Collette looks AWFUL - like "I cannot even look at her" awful. Absolutely no one on this show can act. Nothing happens. They threaten to have things happen, but then they don't. I'm unable to care enough about anyone to worry for their safety. 'Cept the dog. They'd best not hurt the pooch.

Good God I love you people.

I kind of worship you for using the word tumescent.