
That's how I'm feeling as well.

I like the cut of your jib, sailor.

You're way overstating the flawless quality and range of Shakespeare's work. I've read most of his plays, and they show a real learning curve, many errors, and many rough spots. There is A LOT of genius there, however, and some nearly flawless plays. But it's not impossible at all that one person could have written

In addition to all of his own work! Two lifetimes of work from one guy! One of them mostly genius, one not so much!

I did have an open mind about this, but then I read several books on the subject from both perspectives, and it became readily apparent that the conspiracy theories are all total nonsense. Saying some actors don't believe he wrote the plays is just a fallacious appeal to authority; actors aren't necessarily

He also did PRIMARY COLORS. A very prolific fellow! And eclectic.

Uh, no, you're wrong. About everything. Everything in your post is completely incorrect. All you've got right here is the general approach of being wrong, how to do it, and how to do it thoroughly, because you're completely wrong. There is a ton of evidence that Shakespeare was who we was—documentation not just of him

Or a restored version of THE LASH OF THE PENITENTES. Or just release all the Chaplin films they have now.

I have to say I also love the book, and all three movie versions have their merits and are enjoyable.

No, I usually listen to it two or three times in a row. I just think it could be a little tighter.

He's got a phd. This has to be an ironic joke.

Awesome! Are you on Facebook? Please friend me if so. I found a 1581 Spanish inscription last year, and love to talk this sort of thing. mfsmith@unm.edu

O'Neil must really be crafting the piece about Steven Tyler's new facial injuries. I thought that would be here by now.

Yeah, I love Oz—grew up with the Baum books and now I read them to my kids—but WICKED is a terrible book.

It is great. Reminds me of Lemon Jelly at their best.

Here's the criticism I think this album deserves: I think it's overlong. I think it could have been half as long and been a definitely A album. As it is, it's totally great—immensely listenable—I just can't believe how long it is sometimes. It's some of the best writing music I can imagine though.

Mormonism IS Scientology, just with a hundred additional years of history. A violent history, too. Blood atonement, the massacre at Mt. Meadows of 130 men, women, and children, the bounty-hunting Danites, polygyamy and its accompanying pedophilia and rape, the destruction of anti-Mormon printing presses, opposition to

Niceness isn't enough. And when it comes from members of a proselytyzing religion, it should always be a little suspect, as those members believe their salvations depend on saving other souls. Also I once dated/lived with a wayward Jehovah's Witness, and I was raised Mormon, and both groups are cultlike, insular, and

And they're hardly fresh-faced. Segel looks like a mysteriously animated pockmarked wasteland that should never have been cast in a film in the age of high-definition digital. I did not like looking at him in the trailer.

This is fucking odd.