
Maybe Walt will take the ricin himself before trading himself in for Jesse. Jesse will escape to Alaska, Walt will remain behind and then die. Not sure what the rocket launcher is for, at least not with this theory.

I don't think I could handle much more.

I had three pretty epic pop-culture experiences this weekend, living in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a fucking radical place to be right now for amazing culture and music, no lie.

Maybe she'll try to poison Walt but will end up poisoning his entire family instead.

I agree, I think we'll see some of that in the next episode. Also, I always used to think Gomie was an informant, and I thought the show in seasons 3 and 4 was setting that up. Maybe Gomie will tell the Cartel and bring them back into all this.

I completely agree with this. I think he was goading Skyler into saying that, and was relieved when she did. It allows him to continue to lie to himself, which is among the most important lying for him. / That said, we don't know for sure that the hit he's calling is on Jesse. Maybe it's on Hank. Or Skyler.

So what does everyone think about Jesse telling Walt he's going to get him "where he really lives"? His money? His family? His reputation? I was thinking: what if Jesse came out and confessed to being Heisenberg and told stories about Walt being his inept assistant? Walt would hate that. / Or: what if Jesse told

AN INSANE IDEA—but I remember thinking that Walt had actually poisoned Brock was an insane idea—would be if that video Walt made and gave to Hank actually turns out to be true. It would be a major twist that would undo a lot of the reality established by the show, but WHAT IF. I guess I just wanted to get that down in

Here's a piece I wrote for the Albuquerque alt.weekly for the show he played in Santa Fe. http://alibi.com/music/4421… I really think the hipster-backlash idea that he's too deified is all wrong. When I saw him play solo, the feeling was of seeing, like, a beloved older brother who had had a lot of struggle. The

NMH drummer Jeremy Barnes lives in Albuquerque, and Jeff Mangum played Santa Fe a little while ago, so the rumors of this reunion have been flying around town for a while. I am just so happy to hear they're actually true, and that this is actually happening. To hell with the hipster backlash, this is terrific news,

I liked SLC PUNK. I never understood the hate for it. I thought it had funny moments, interesting characters, and was an enjoyable, if simplified, explication of the subcultures of a certain time and place. I haven't seen it years, but I have seen it three or four times and I remember always liking it and finding it

Bands that get the other three of the Four Corners states but skip Albuquerque are not thinking clearly. We have the best crowds here. Just about every show is packed, even on weeknights. I've seen band after band just be stunned at the turnout, the enthusiasm of the crowd, and the wild energy. I just saw Emancipator

I'd always meant to read INFINITE JEST, but I just read a collection of DFW's short fiction, GIRL WITH CURIOUS HAIR, and I think I'm cured of ever wanting to read anything by him ever again. It had its moments and insights, but overall it seriously underwhelmed me. Emotionally, I felt nothing from it, finding its

I really hated this movie, though I wanted to like it because so many people whose opinions I respect were so into it. It was just so BUSY that it felt like a Michael Bay movie for the hipster set. And so much of what it did just seemed so pointless to me—like, sure, it's a stylized thing for words like "RING RING" to

"Titanic Soundtrack Crying Parties"? Was that really a phenomenon? I am intrigued.

I live in Albuquerque, and we always hear rumors about the cast of BREAKING BAD. I hear that this guy is unpopular with the rest of the cast and crew and no one wants to hang out with him because he's a jerk to them. A friend's girlfriend is an exotic dancer at a local strip club and she said he always comes in and is

I've just begun writing a monthly column for Albuquerque's alt.weekly newspaper, writing about all the local shows I've been to—so I guess I resolve to go to more local shows. I really love the music scene here right now, so there's no shortage of crazy-good bands to see—including the Terri Shiavo Dance Party, which

I finished it and immediately wanted to e-mail something nice to Sean O'Neal about how great his writing is. The guy is masterful.

I finished it and immediately wanted to e-mail something nice to Sean O'Neal about how great his writing is. The guy is masterful.

Whatever Franco does, he will always have good will from me for being so moving in FREAKS AND GEEKS. He could do weird pretentious arty stuff forever and never erase that.