
This looks super-cool. Hopefully its success will generate a slew of cult-related films, because those are always fun.


Almost died from Jimson weed once. And my friend who took it with me literally flatlined and ended up in a hospital. Worst experience of my life. Just seeing a pod of it gives me a chill and a feeling of an evil presence. Just reading the name boosts my heart rate.

I had a friend who was a Moonie for a while, though she claimed she only traveled and lived with them because she was homeless and they fed and sheltered her. She said they never missed a Disney movie, traipsing to the theater in their robes every time one came out. I think I remember she said they were also really

I'm just saying these movies are just artless ultraviolence. And I would like them to go away.

So, this has the first IRON MAN movie going for it, and I suppose that newer HULK movie which was a decent popcorn flick…but IRON MAN 2 was objectivist bullshit, basically ATLAS SHRUGGED with a techno suit. What happens when the richest, most powerful man in the country shrugs off his responsibility? What will the

You. This was hilarious. The only thing that hasn't rung totally true this season is the hate/disregard for Ann. What brought that about? Just episodes ago everyone liked her wholeheartedly.

It's not funny for a number of reasons—one, it's just not that funny, the laughs aren't there, but TWO, Alice is supposed to be a reasonable straight man to Todd's idiot. This stuff makes her as big a weirdo as anyone. That's very disappointing.I think that's a problem with this series, actually—that ALL of the

No, Hank could do it. They're opposites. Really it could be leading up to their final confrontation.

Except didn't he say he needed a number FROM Saul?

"Crawl Space"'s ending is something special. Gus's death was amazing, but that ending really was something all its own. Maybe the series' high point for me.

Here's an obtuse question: what number exactly did Walt want from Saul?

What happened to the Aztek again?

Great idea. The TAXI DRIVER method.

Was that Erika Viking? I remember listening to her on 94 Rock. Before I worked a little more to cultivate taste.

I love that Walt's street name is Negra Arroyo. Black Ditch.

I was wondering that too. I don't listen to that shitty station much, but I hadn't remembered it featuring traffic and news.

But that's about right.

Wait a second and make sure.

How about some interviews with the women of the show? The guy at the Octopus car wash says Anna Gunn is the nicest and most interesting person of the bunch. For what that's worth.