
I love that this show gets people talking about ABQ on a national level. I think I'm going to put together a BREAKING BAD tour of the city. And I'm impressed that Esposito is able to talk about spirituality and other such nonsense and not even bother me. It's like, well, it's working for his acting….

I thought the plane crash was kind of like this, and I have my complaints about parts of season three, but I think its trajectory is totally back now and better than ever.

There's also a great scene from it, on AMC's website, where Walt breaks into Saul's office to get a phone number and the secretary tries to blackmail him.

It's pure anxiety. My wife has expressed the same concerns as you about letting such tension into our home.

It's not his fault that you haven't kept up.

My guesses for the two OMG moments: 1. Jesse kills Gus. 2. We see that Walt poisoned the kid. Maybe Jesse sees it too,

No kidding, that was my favorite. RIYL led me to so much good new stuff, including some that are still my favorites ten years later. And I loved the included CD of albums reviewed. I would still love it today, even though technology has changed. I tried to subscribe to it again three years or so ago, and they took my

Can't we just ignore these asinine, insane, vile movies and hope we never hear about them again until they turn up in the DVD collection of the next infamous school shooter? Talking about these is like talking about whatever some disturbed twelve-year-old drew in his notebook to shock the other kids on the bus.

Or from Mike Huckabee, in an act of kinky tenderness gone awry.

Real quote? And where can I find it in context? Because that's great.

True story.

Neat! Herzog as the villain, and a crazy Scientologist as the hero. This should be some guaranteed weirdness.

So this is their first release?

I think once we've seen the final episode of the season, we'll see that the last two episodes could have been aired as a double-length special episode. This really felt like the first half of a single arc to me.

Huh. This is kind of a compelling argument, for something that I previously thought was asinine even to consider. Add to this the urgency with which Saul summoned Jesse to his office (just to give him his money?), and that Huell searched Jesse (which he doesn't usually do), and you have something of a solid case.

It feels a bit like ROLLING STONE giving LOVE AND THEFT five stars but not TIME OUT OF MIND. Like someone's late to the party and seeking to make amends. "Crawl Space" was a definite A. This just feels like the first hour of a two-hour-long A episode.

I hope you're right about it just being Jesse's carelessness. That would really be satisfying to me.

I rated this an A-. It was terrific, but "Crawl Space" was a hard act to follow. As has been said here, that really could have been a mostly satisfying series ender. One of my main reasons for the minus though, if anyone cares, was that I felt that the final scene was just not very aesthetically pleasing—Walt's face