
All I'm left with after this is a constant prayer of "please, for the love of God, let Castle Rock be good!"

"I don't want no part of your tight-ass collusion accusations, ya freak bitch!"

Whatever Kermit did to deserve a Donald Trump voiceover, I hope he's paid for it in full, and he can go back to just being a Muppet now.

This is why shows like The Grinder need to not be cancelled - to keep Rob Lowe from actually making things.

Betty Gilpin just seems like a total pro, just a really naturally gifted actress who knows exactly what she's going to bring to each scene and then nails it. And I've only seen her in two things! (Though I've only seen Carrie Coon in 3 things, and she's taken my personal top spot for this decade's best television

The man ass is something special, the pause button saw a lot of action.

You should start your own debate club! With blackjack and hookers!

The West Wing. Still a very good show, but I think the idea of it always excited me more than the execution actually has. I'm a couple of episodes into the first season of Twin Peaks, and I'm worried that that's going in a similar direction for me, even though I can see how much great fun it is. Internet has increased

Or maybe next season should just be someone inexplicably killing themself with no indication to their reasoning. 13 Reasons Shy.

In eleven renewals from now, they can rename it "13 Seasons High"!

That was… - and I know this is an overused and arguably redundant term, but I’m struggling to find even a semblance of order in my head right now (I watched the episode ten minutes ago at this time of writing) - …that was the most gut-wrenching hour of television I’ve ever witnessed.

Sorry to politicise this really funny show, but;

I still think that first season ending was brilliant - I laughed for a good fifteen minutes about it.

All these problems are so legitimate, and I feel like any other show would have me hanging by a thread by now (or already over the ledge like poor Henry), but the dialogue and pacing and editing are always just stellar enough for me not to notice those flaws until the episode finishes.

Sepinwall liked it, in site of its flaws, and I'm always keen to give what he likes a go.

It's been said a lot here, but it hasn't been said enough; Alison Wright's performance on The Americans was nothing short of remarkable, and I hope to see much more of her on the screen. I think she'd make a wonderful heroine on Fargo next season.

I once had someone tell me I sound like Mandy from The West Wing. I don't like to talk about it. (Oh, and yet another poorly written female character).

Every day, this successful writer puts a different minority on his knee and explains, in exact terms, and with a delightful quip here and there, all the ways that the system has wronged them, and exactly what he's going to do about it.

"We're all being lobotomised!" - what he would later say to his fellow mansplainers as they walk briskly through an elaborate building constructed entirely out of hallways.

The Mensroom
Studio 60 on The Sunset Men
Sports Night