The Late Freddy Rumsen


I was a managing a movie theatre when Romance came out and found and old dude jerkin' it in the theatre. Therefore, never see her films ever.

It's the best damn show on TV and the slow build is a lot of that. In the pilot Walt lectures on chemistry being slow and fast changes and the faster the change the more violent it is. Appropriately, they've always kept amazing control on the pacing of the show. I like it better over a weekend, but only because the

Do we get Chris Bell back now?

The POTW used to be about not only justifying House's misanthropy, but also about grossing us out. Since the ruptured corpse colon, they don't even care about this anymore. Where are the exploding eyeballs and worm infested cats of my youth?! It's like, I can watch this show and eat dinner now and that is not ok.

I'm just curious who the 'we' is in 'we like to call a "fecal mist".' Is it mormons? It's totally mormons, isn't it.

MAYO IS THE WHITE DEATH, THE ENDER OF WORLDS. But a little bit on a roast beef sandwich is always nice.

Things have gone horribly awry.

Oh, you're serious? That's weird, man.

Someone needs to shave your mother's back and you can't always be there.

Here to help. Also, it is brutal being really good looking. Only good looking people understand. That's why all the hot sex.

Is this about me and Lucas?

R. Lee Ermy?
He died last season.

The Hurt Locker was an OK movie, but it was no Near Dark.

Not a helluva lot, really. Burn Notice at its worst is roughly several billion times better than 98% of current television programming. It has Bruce Campbell fer fucksake.

Well, I liked it
and that's all that really matters. Amirite?

Gotta love a woman
With nothing but lipstick, sunglasses and duct tape in her bag.


A Grey Man Sucks.

I scoff at your opinions!
"It's funny, funny stuff, and it accomplishes a tone that's not often seen on TV, that of a bunch of good friends just hanging out and making each other laugh."