The Late Freddy Rumsen

When I mean anal sex, I say anal sex. Which is pretty often actually.

If he was from southie then he couldn't spell, let alone manipulate an interweb device.

I wanna punch Dicaprio wicked hard. And by punch I mean make out with.

My safety's Harvard.

Is Alan Rockman related to The Rock, man?

Rob Schnieder photoshopped in - the movie.

I pinch my secretary's ass and call her cutie pie, but I still think dodge, mick and kape are assholes.

no u

I'm Ken! Cosgrove!

Oh, that's why the low cut dresses
I thought it was because of nice boobs, because hey… nice boobs. It would be more distracting if House wasn't always looking down her shirt. It's actually a nice touch and maybe this show should be about House all the time.

Screw corporations that use the banal horror of the modern working corporate world to sell us products. You fuckers ruined our lives. That's not a good angle for a sales pitch, at least ethically.

I don't have to punch myself in the balls to know I'll LOVE IT!

The fucking Blind Side? Seriously?

Maybe House will have to diagnose how Lucas mysteriously fell down a flight of stairs into the open jaws of a combine. Muscle weakness from chronic lameness or somesuch. Probably lupus.


I'm not convinced. In more interesting new, FUCK YEAH, BURN NOTICE.

Oh, don't pout, sugar puff. I don't actually hope the dead rise from the grave to feast on yer ghoulies. Maybe you could just slam them in a drawer or something?

Like big sunglasses or something? A handbag perhaps?

I hope zombies gnaw your stupid gonads off.

Fuck this entire movie with a big rubber dildo.